Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
So when are we coming round for tea then Arch?:hungry:

When we have a bedroom to move into, and can use the kitchen for cooking and entertaining, you have an open invitation to dinner!:thumbsup:

In other news, I ordered the WI Book of preserves, and am getting very excited about making Membrillo - a very rich quince paste/jelly served in cubes with cheese as a tapas dish. I love quince!
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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Dinner this evening started with prawns with a Thai sweet chilli dip

View attachment 27463

Followed by lamb loin, red wine and shallot sauce, mashed potato and home grown broad beans

View attachment 27464

Then a creme brulee

View attachment 27465

Washed down with a delicious Chilean Syrah

What days do you open ? :hungry:
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Vice Admiral
Very strange colours in the sky tonight. The underneath of the clouds are being illuminated by the sun, and they are pink. I might take a photo but I am not sure if I will be able to upload it.

I have been in the garden all afternoon, it is now time for a shower. Then off to watch the :bicycle: Tour of Arctic Norway.


My Armchair
You are going to Flash, the highest village in England at an altitude of 1518ft :evil:Oh and I have avoided fields and parks, just hills. :whistle:
Blimey, they let some right riff-raff in here these days :whistle:

Got my outfit ready for the morning :giggle:



Vice Admiral
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