Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm getting the train home, then I'm going to spend the afternoon making redcurrant jelly, and bottling my chive flower vinegar, with a quick trip to the supermarket fitted in while the jelly strains.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Went to watch the National Circuit Race Championships in York yesterday and Hannah Barnes won the Women's National Circuit Champion title

This is on the TV tonight on ITV4 at 6pm if anyone spots me I am next to the start/finish line red shirt.

She was having a problem getting the cork out of the bottle here :giggle:



Über Member
South Liverpool
Probably about 25 more than me!! I only managed 5 as my knee's been playing up, so just went out for a little local nosey ride around some housing estates and business parks!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm back in York, and I'm just having a cuppa before I start jelly making.

I came home to find scaffolding going up on the outside of the building, so there goes any idea of walking about less than fully dressed! Well, actually, I've just shut the curtains. It keeps the room cooler anyway. No idea what they will be doing, it was all painted a little while back.

Time to go and de-label all my jamjars....

Night Train

Maker of Things
I have put a new zip into a pair of shorts and shortened the arms and legs of a pair of overalls for Arch.
Then I took a small trailer load of stuff to the tip.

Can't decide if I should wash the car or not. It might thunderstorm later so that would give the car a free rinse.
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