Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
I'm back from my travels and quite tired and tetchy. Grrrrr I need a large glass of something quickly. I have to repeat all of this in a week's time.

Why do mothers keep interrupting you? And why don't they listen to a word that is said? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that's a big grrr if you couldn't tell)

:hugs: We will be serving mojitos and chocolate later if you would care to join us


:hello: Jo
Looks like Alfred is retweeting you. Did you enjoy the day?

If Wol gets back there could be scones and cream (if she hasn't scoffed the lot already).


West Somerset
:hello: Jo
Looks like Alfred is retweeting you. Did you enjoy the day?

If Wol gets back there could be scones and cream (if she hasn't scoffed the lot already).


Was very good and I bumped into someone who I've not seen in years. :smooch for NT for the retweet :thumbsup:

Definitely time for a bath now that the water's heated up - save me a scone. :hungry:

Talking of, P and I were talking about food on the train home (as you do) and the conversation eventually turned to cake (as it does). After I'd sung the praises of various different types, P laughed and said I was torturing myself by making myself hungry. The woman opposite interrupted and said it was definitely making her hungry. There were lots of murmurs of "me too" from other passengers. :blush:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
So what is in a mojito? Certainly looked refreshing.

In other news, we're thinking of going to Southport tomorrow, so I checked the tide times.

There'll be plenty of beach, I reckon.


Midlands UK
So what is in a mojito? Certainly looked refreshing.

In other news, we're thinking of going to Southport tomorrow, so I checked the tide times.

There'll be plenty of beach, I reckon.

mint, lime, white rum, soda water, ice, sugar

Night Train

Maker of Things
We saw this in a York cake shop window earlier today.
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