Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
Or Ballerwthar

The ALL and the W, H and A are fixed in place, so Watherball does not fit.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We've had a lovely day. NT had to get his car MOT'd over in Hebden Bridge, so we went over there, left the car at the garage and walked down into town, about 1.3 miles, along the canal towpath, very green and pretty. We had coffee, ate our sandwiches, pottered around town, had tea and some very good chocolate cake, then pottered a bit more and walked back along the canal to collect the car.

Then when we got home, I said "Sod cooking" and we went and got Chinese Takeaway.:hungry:

NT found a thing for his lathe in the second-hand shop at the Alternative Technology Centre, we got an interesting Art Deco style wall light in a charity shop, which we think will suit as a ceiling light in the bathroom, and then on the way back up the canal, we paused to look in a skip and NT spotted a nice decorative tile with a pattern that matches the gothic arch of our bedroom, so we rescued it to do something arty with.

It's been a wonderful week off. :thumbsup: Back to work tomorrow.:sad:

Night Train

Maker of Things
On today's trip to Hebden Bridge we visited the Alternative technology centre where there was 'scrap store'. I found and bought a BNIB four jaw chuck that might fit my lathe for £10!:thumbsup: Then at a charity shop we found and bought a Bakelite and glass enclosed Art Deco wall light that we can adapt to use on the bathroom ceiling.
Arch also found a nice decorative tile in a skip, with a gothic arch pattern, that we could frame to go in the bed room and also picked up another broken umbrella.

The car passed its MOT with only two advisories to be sorted on the next service.:thumbsup:

ETA: Cross posted with Arch due to stupidly slow internet connection and laptop!

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Oh yes - there was pain au chocolat too :hungry:


Legendary Member
Sounds like a lovely day Arch - especially the chocolate cake part.

In other news I'm just back from Nice where I had a nice time. Mostly the nice time was getting there from Pisa by bike via Siena, Sardinia, Corsica and the Cote D'Azur. It was hot and quite climby at times - especially Corsica on the climby bit. 5 days was not long enough tho'.

Nice one :thumbsup:

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
The local brew in Corsica is this. It's brewed with chestnuts and is a mere 6% ABV. It is rather nice :thumbsup:

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