Jury's out, mainly because I was too tired to make sense of it on Saturday evening and didn't switch on the laptop yesterday for a second attempt. How do I get rid of the all the flags on imported routes?
I must confess that I like the map itself a lot more than the software that displays it! I assumed that they would have improved the software since I bought my version in 2006.
Some people don't understand that what they have is effectively a giant bitmap with a transparent elevation grid overlaid on it. They expect to be able to automatically follow roads when plotting routes, but you need vector mapping to be able to do that.
I got into the habit of editing old tracks rather than starting new ones because constantly plotting the roads near home is a pain. You can split tracks, and connect adjacent tracks as long as you are careful to align the start of one with the end of the other. (Both are available under 'Operations' on the right click menu.)
I very rarely load other people's routes/tracks so I don't have to deal with surplus flags. I have found that I saved some of my old routes as 'locked' though which left every waypoint locked. That meant when I deleted the routes, the waypoints were left behind! You will probably have to delete unwanted things one at a time. That is easier done via the right click menu's 'Properties' option.
You will probably find yourself wondering whether to use routes or tracks. I started off with routes because you can edit them more easily than tracks and because routes use waypoints which can be named. The problem with routes for me is the limited waypoint memory on my GPS. It has much more trackpoint memory so I use tracks now.
MM may (should!) have improved some of these things by now but I haven't used the new software so I don't know if they have.
Love the map, get irritated by the software!