Tea? (Part 1)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Night Train said:
Anyone going to the Tour de Presteigne?

No, but I know of it, having recently been in charge of updating the Velo Vision events page.... Think your link might be to the wrong thing?

Night Train

Maker of Things
I'm not a jazz fan either, jazz era (Art Deco) yes but not the music. Give me the Dixie Chicks or a good opera any day.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Right, well, having failed to find a date for this gallery preview, I'm going to ride home, dump the bike, and walk back. (it's only five minutes) Otherwise I have to lug panniers into the gallery and stuff.

If there are no nibbles, I have to decide what to have for dinner afterwards!

See y'all tomorrow!

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