TDF day in school

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Take that day's stage and see how far the distance is away from school? Is there an interesting French place the same distance as the day's stage? How long would it take the children to ride the distance compared to the TdF riders? Why is that?

Why do teams have sponsors?
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See if the school can ride the day's stage distance on half a dozen exercise bikes.

Ask a local gym to borrow them.

A school near me did lejog that way over a week...


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Tour de France icons:
Sunflowers, mountain switchbacks, champagne on the run in to Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Jerseys, the presentations / art work, etc along the route, Didi the Devil. It's as much a spectacle as it is a race.

Might be great to see some art work from the kids.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Otherwise, as you note, a geography trip around France (hot, wet, windy, mountainous, flat, cities, scenery, history), i.e. start or finish cities, and what can you find out about them.
Or about the teams and riders - nationalities (of both).
Or about the race itself. Days, distances, speeds, numbers of riders, echelons, sprints, TTs.

Remember that most kids won't have a clue about it, other than having heard the name.


Started young, and still going.
Whilst all the activities you can arrange are going on, have ITV4's coverage on a big screen telly so the kids can see the bits of the stage in action.


They're only wee kids. Their legs will fall off and @Cathryn will end up in the papers.

Get the teachers out the staff room and sweat! not just when Ofsted comes round!!


West Yorks
Give them some EPO the week before and see whose fastest on the playground ITT, stupid head off, cover the jersey’s and what they‘re for, explain why just because someone wins a stage, doesn’t mean they’re in the lead, drafting effect in the Peloton, some French words ie Chute, Peloton, Echelons, and what they are for, velo, etc, discuss the teams and we’re they are based, the stages (more geography) design a vehicle for the publicity caravan


You could ask a few of the mums if they could drive on the pavements, forming a cavalcade behind their kids on bikes.

You may find that they already have experience in doing this.
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