Tate modern is rubbish? Show us some good art.

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Legendary Member
This one's on my lounge wall.

Langdale Pikes from Lingmoor, Heaton Cooper.


Legendary Member

Ah, a real artist of rhe ort the OP craves.


Legendary Member
Ah, a real artist of rhe ort the OP craves.

But should art be judged on the character of the artist? Wagner seems to have been an anti-semite and all round unpleasant individual, Aubrey Beardsley was molesting his own children, etc etc.

That's not to claim Adolf was a "great artist" but he clearly had at least some ability.

There was an interesting series of programmes presented by Rolf Harris where he tried to emulate the works of many of the great artists. Now Rolf, whatever his other failings, is a far more talented painter than 99.9% of the population so it was quite revealing that he really couldn't emulate their work in most cases.
All uphill

All uphill

Still rolling along
Good point Prof. Gary Glitter is a filthy pervert, but he still has an active fan club that adore his music (although no under 18 members.) Is it possible to separate the art from the artist?

Good question.

All art comes from a time, place and an artist which can help our understanding of what's in front of us.

Our reaction, imo, often says something about us, too. Why is Aubrey Beardsley's sex life interesting to us more than 100 years later?


Legendary Member
There was an interesting documentary by broadcaster Muriel Gray on some of the extremes of modern art. One exhibit was an "installation" consisting of rotting animal organs hung up in a room. Muriel was clearly retching at one point. It later emerged that the whole programme, including the "art" was in fact a clever parody.

Now if (some) modern art is indistinguishable from a parody, what does that say about its worth? Or perhaps the parody is itself legitimate art in its own right. To be fair, I can accept self parody or things that "challenge the nature of art" or whatever as (potentially) having some merit and / or legitimacy, but once most of it seems to have degenerated into self parody, or "what's the silliest thing we can get away with" I'm inclined to be cynical.

Simply claiming something as being "art" doesn't preclude pretentious rubbish from being an actual thing.

Now that said, I personally like and see value in Jackson Pollack's work, but don't get Rothko at all. I'm reluctant to dismiss Rothko, however tempting, as he is valued by people I respect. In particular there's an amazing piece of "modern" music ( as my wife says "pling plong music") by Morton Feldman inspired by the paintings in the Rothko Chapel. Feldman's music might not be regarded by everyone either but I find it amazing. Clearly the paintings meant something profound to Feldman, so I can't really dismiss them.

View: https://youtu.be/1ZZ0DYIkaP8?feature=shared
All uphill

All uphill

Still rolling along
A game Ms AU and I play in art galleries is to each chose a picture we'd happily live with every day. I've also done this with friends who say they don't get modern art, but they can easily prefer one image to another.

Another thing we sometimes do is ask each other "what one word" best applies to a painting. It can be revealing. For example I didn't enjoy the castle painting above. The word that came to my mind was "ridgid". No breeze, no movement, no humans. Rather strange.
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