Tape to repair freezer drawer?

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Thats pretty much how my old drawers looked! I also broke one of the glass shelves into two pieces, that was fixed with some cardboard to support it and duct tape all round lol

It's either this or bin a perfectly good freezer for the sake of a cracked drawer. So many environmental and financial issues involved there.


Legendary Member
Freezer drawer split, and attempts to repair with Araldite along the split haven't held. I'm thinking I need something my dad used to use - some kind of fibre-glass (I think) tape or sheeting, saturated with some kind of liquid - epoxy of some kind? Don't know, and googling is just confusing me. Ring any bells? Any suggestions very much appreciated.

Mine are made of polystyrene, the same stuff as Airfix kits, albeit clear like the cockpit parts for your model Spitfire, ergo araldite is the wrong glue. What you want is polystyrene cement - I favour the liquid version in a bottle rather than the sticky tubes. Tamyia, the model makers, are a good make of adhesive.

Strictly speaking it isn't an adhesive but a solvent which softens / disolves the polystyrene essentially welding it together rather than gluing it.

Fixed my Dad's and our own freezer compartments using Tamiya cement


Active Member
Yeah, fiberglass repair tape sounds like what you're after. I had a similar issue with a cracked drawer and used some of that tape with epoxy resin. Just clean the area really well first, then apply the resin, lay down the tape, and cover it with more resin. It worked great for me, and the repair held up well.
ergo araldite is the wrong glue. What you want is polystyrene cement - I favour the liquid version in a bottle rather than the sticky tubes. Tamyia, the model makers, are a good make of adhesive.

Strictly speaking it isn't an adhesive but a solvent which softens / disolves the polystyrene essentially welding it together rather than gluing it.

Good point about solvents, but I'm disappointed that you think araldite is a glue :sad:



Legendary Member
Rivet a plate over it.


Legendary Member

Wikipedia seems to thing "glue" is a catch all term rather than a sub-type


With the greatest respect, I don't think that's what they're saying at all!

(and even if t'were the case, it would be a case of meaning drift i.e. from the correct meaning, to a common, incorrect usage 😇 )

Incidentally, I lived about 80% of my life thinking that glue meant exactly the same thing as adhesive! In fact, I thought "adhesive" was the fancier, possibly more scientific term :P
I was educated in these matters by engineer colleagues of more ... "advanced" years than myself.
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