Tape to repair freezer drawer?

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Legendary Member
Freezer drawer split, and attempts to repair with Araldite along the split haven't held. I'm thinking I need something my dad used to use - some kind of fibre-glass (I think) tape or sheeting, saturated with some kind of liquid - epoxy of some kind? Don't know, and googling is just confusing me. Ring any bells? Any suggestions very much appreciated.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
I tried epoxy, then went to the internet to source a new drawer. That was several years ago, not sure if they're still about, but here's the label if you have no success with tape/sheeting.
Its none aesthetically pleasing but I just used some parcel tape on my old one, ugly but did the job. Cheap too.


Considering a new username
Leafy Surrey
Its none aesthetically pleasing but I just used some parcel tape on my old one, ugly but did the job. Cheap too.

If tape does the trick, your freezer isn't nearly as overloaded with garden and allotment produce as ours are.


Girl from the North Country
This thread explains why I found the drawers and shelves for an old fridge in one of the cupboards in my parents' house when I cleared it. Obviously my mum was keeping them "just in case" despite the fact that they wouldn't fit her new fridge and she probably didn't know anyone who would need them.

Sorry guys, I binned them so I hope they weren't exactly what you need.


Legendary Member
This maybe? https://www.screwfix.com/p/diall-fibreglass-mesh-tape-white-90m-x-50mm/626cf
Scrim tape for plastering

or maybe a kit like this?


By the end of its life my 1st car‘s wheel arches were mostly this stuff! 😂

That's the stuff I remember! Excellent! And it may come to that. Either way, thanks - very helpful.

But I have to say, this has rather caught my attention:

@swee'pea99 duct tape is your friend. Five minute job.

View attachment 741963

Free & easy - two of my favourite words! I love it! That's definitely Plan A. Thanks.

Oh, and as for 'a few quid', I've already glued the door shelf in place because it was over £50 for a replacement. And on the spares site Ikea sends you to, a drawer for this freezer costs £80.

As my daughter likes saying: seriously?

Thanks all.
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