Tales from today's commute....

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As long as I breathe, I attack.
followed a chap part way home last night , he was on a hardtail and he could shift !
I could easily keep up with him on the flat and i was freewheeling as there wasnt anywhere to get by for a few miles , every junction he would put the hammer down and accelerate away but soon i was back on the wheel but not to close as too wheelsuck.
As soon as i could safely get by i was off and left him well behind , i heard an expletive so im guessing he was at full gas before then .Considering although i was on a road bike i was fully in commuter mode rack, panniers etc and im getting to be a "veteran " age rider i cant complain :smile:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Looks out of window - :cry::cry::cry:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
Yesterday's commute was a very very wet one. I was prepared for it and luckily, it was on my ride home. So that was good.

On the up-side, looks like you have a fantastic route home :smile:

"Highlights" from my week - got drenched on Tuesday night with constant, med/heavy rain for the duration. Angrily thrashed it back with an appropriate NIN soundtrack; thankfully everything bar my gloves had dried out by the morning for the return leg - which was less horrible.

Yesterday I stayed a bit late at the office to avoid the passing storm; notable events once I was underway included slowly winching myself past an incredulous racing snake on a skinny hybrid on St. Giles, and later moseying past a dude on a Raleigh Twenty on the tow path - his choice of Gore clothing suggesting that he was a man who knew what was up.

Glad I've not been out in it today; although that does bring to an end an 18-ish day streak of consecutive rides :sad:


Cycling to my TCV pickup point, I passed a old man giving a builder a hard time. The builder had parked his truck in the disabled bay for about ten minutes next to this man's car so he could load a pallet of bricks. It was the only space available and with enough clearance for the FLT to swing round to do the load.
However, although the builder had explained this to the old man, it 'wasn't good enough' and the old man was getting quite irate.
So, me being me, enquired as to the issue and of course, I sided with the builder - ! The old man stood there looking daggers at the pair of us, I don't suppose my laughing helped his blood pressure - ! :laugh:


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
A lovely ride in - bright, clear and largely windless in the directions that mattered. Chilly but got away with base layer and gloves; which were fine once warmed up. Nice and quiet on the roads and tow path no doubt due to the lack of school traffic.

A nice steady mosey as I've done a fair bit on the bike over the past week; no rush as I left in plenty of time. Stopped for sausages; also at Iffley lock as it was being used - although the bloke in question (who I assumed was the lock-keeper, but retrspectively was probably just a random punter) directed me through the private end of the lock that leads past the keeper's cottage.. for a view from a perspective that's not often seen:


Dude was sound and we exchanged pleasantries as we passed; my lack of issue with the short delay diminished even more when I noticed the locks were being operated to facilitate the passage of a dog in a boat; which is probably the next best thing in the world next to a dog on a bike :smile:

A real privilege to be out - if only the commute was always this nice!
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Shorts today, and should have been short sleeves too.

Couple of little incidences.

First was a car parked in a service entrance partially blocking the cycle path. I pointed to the lady that it wasn't a great place to stop. She replied all huffy that it was a breakdown, I didn't argue, as a Severn Trent tanker that needed to use the service entrance arrived and blasted its horn. I left her to make her case to the workmen.

Second was two ladies with dogs taking the whole path. I rung my bell in good time and they just stood there, still taking the whole path smiling at me as I slowed to a track stand and then it dawned on them that they needed to leave some space for me to pass :wacko:.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Not much to report. Slightly misty on way in, and roads rather wet. May get a dry ride home. Aching all over from four 'non stop' days of DIY at home. Back to work for the rest.
I thought I might get todays commute in in daylight but I think I set off about 10mins before the official dawn so whilst I probably would have been OK I felt safer with a flashing light. At night I think I got back before the official sunset but it got pretty overcast and dark and started to rain so a flashing light was needed again.

Coincidentally a lot of throttled controlled ebikes were out tonight. The most brazen one past me on the footway when I was bypassing to the right of a queue of cars on the road at 18mph.


A fairly considerate moped on the Loop bridleway - considering they shouldn't have been there at all - slowing down and passing people reasonably.

Wet again this morning. Radio reporting it's now been the wettest 18months since records began.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
A fairly considerate moped on the Loop bridleway - considering they shouldn't have been there at all - slowing down and passing people reasonably.

Wet again this morning. Radio reporting it's now been the wettest 18months since records began.

Had to get out of the way of four lads on two mopeds accessing the loop via the entrance to 'Station South Cafe' this evening. Nobbers !
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