Had my closest near miss ever coming home today.
Approaching a cross roads which has traffic lights, all the cars to my right were stationary as I bombed up the inside cycle lane.
A few cars ahead, I did not see the guy waiting in the queue to my right flash the car who was coming the opposite way, wanting to turn right into his drive across our paths.
I was looking down, looked up saw a bonnet about 6 feet away, and you know how it all goes into slow motion?
Anyway the only thing that flashed into my brain was this 'Don't hit the car you will damage the bike', that's all I thought, in like flashing neon inside my brain.
So he saw me, I looked up, he stopped dead, I veered left, up a drive way and nearly into a bush!
I got off, started laughing about how close it was and that I had missed it, and the guy parked on the drive. I got back on the road to set off as I did not think he was going to get out, but he did and was very apologetic, we had a laugh about how I avoided hitting his car only for him to tell me it was a company car! We parted smiling and that was it. He was very apologetic
The guy who let him in must have shoot a brick cause he must have seen it all....I bet he won't do that again!
Oh and bloody windy coming home again!