T-boned a runner

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Über Member
Crackle said:
You wanna do what my Brother-in-law used to do on his motorbike. Any kid who crossed in front of him used to be met by a gauntletted mit around the earhole at 30mph. He said "sounding the horn was dangerous" as he never knew what the stupid twerp would do when it heard it.

Mind you this is the same guy who when stopped by the police and asked if his indicators worked, stuck out his left arm followed by his right and said 'Yep!' - 3pts and a lecture for that one.

Inflicting a serious assault on a "kid" is definitely not 'cool'. :biggrin:
domtyler said:
Inflicting a serious assault on a "kid" is definitely not 'cool'. :biggrin:

Oh I dunno, it's about the same as leaving them unattended and unsupervised I'd say :biggrin:

"Youf" then, seeing as "kids" don't cross the roads unattended, unless that's part of your five point parenting plan too.


New Member
This sounds a bit like the cars never give enough consideration to cyclists routine, the pedestrians should look out for themselves!

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
A bike is very quiet on the road and so a lot of peds use their ears instead of their eyes, hence the problem. The one problem out here is that there are good wide cycle lanes in most places but the bus stops are outside of the lanes next to the road. When passengers get off the bus they walk straight across the cycle lane without looking, scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
To be fair on the poor runner, you're bombing along at over 30mph on something that is effectively silent. When you first shouted at him it's unlikely that he realised that the noise came from a bike, let alone one closing at that speed.

Sure, he certainly should have looked before moving in the road, but frankly I think it's a bit irresponsible to pass someone on foot at that kind of speed without being sure they know you're there. Certainly if I was going at that kind of speed (Can't a man dream? ;) ) I'd slow right down if I saw a pedestrian in the road before passing them.


I wouldn't, I'd alert them to my approach and give them plenty of room, if they decide to step out in front my me, what on earth can you do?

you can't slow down for every single potential hazard


>Inflicting a serious assault on a "kid" is definitely not 'cool'

The way kids act nowadays DOM the deal is this: most are beligerent little ****ers and beleive me I keep it real to them, if I need to, they dont give me any respect i dont give them any - elders ARE to be respected. I was brought up to respect older people as they have been her LONGER and so can show me and educate me about things...!

If parents like you 'parented properly' then an assault would not be needed.

I know DAM, you will not like this but i dont give a dam as I beleive in bringing up kids to HAVE respect and show others respect too !
I came down the Honister pass once, at a fair lick as it's steep. Came around a bend and found two walkers in the road with their backs to me, one on the left one on the right. I started to jam on but realized I wasn't going to stop as the road was slightly damp in that shaded section and the back wheel kicked instantly. I shot straight between them and didn't look back as I was hitting the steepest bit and needed to concentrate.

My girlfriend was coming down some way behind me and when she reached me she asked me what had happened as she'd passed two ramblers standing on the grass verge looking backwards nervously.

Now they had obviously counted on hearing anything approaching from behind and weren't looking out for bikes but to be fair to them I hadn't counted on coming across walkers with their backs to me and had taken my line to avoid cars coming up, so 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.

Cracking descent though. I think I must have been doing over 40 when I went past them (no computer then).


Legendary Member
If im passing someone or something,doesnt matter what,car or bike,if it can change its direction or speed,ill slow down as well as expect it to jump in front of me,iv never hit anyone on my bike,yet,but if you expect the unexpected,you will be a lot safer.
It's all your fault.........

for being too quiet!

Electric vehicles are being criticised as a hazard for being too quiet as well, so don't feel too guilty!


Legendary Member
Tynan said:
I wouldn't, I'd alert them to my approach and give them plenty of room, if they decide to step out in front my me, what on earth can you do?

you can't slow down for every single potential hazard

Course you can?or do we as cyclists have the right to get somewhere quicker than others?;):ohmy:


Taking the biscuit
Joggers or peds maybe the next down in the pecking order as bikes are from cars, but they do have priority right of way and riding needs to adjust to suit when they are in in our paths, 'speshly with regards iPods.

With every respect Betty you have to be prepared for peds to be either unpredictable or just plain stupid sometimes, just as car drivers need to cut us some slack on the odd occasion.

My biggest fear, when out on the 'bent trike, is someone stepping from the curb without looking and landing onto or into me. I also have no guard on my chainset so you can imagine the shin smashing that could cause.
I do though have an enourmously embarrassing bell that sounds like a grandfather clock but I have found that when I've had to use it, peds only stop dead and check from head height, very often never looking down, which to be honest isn't a Peds regular place to meet grief on the road.

I'd clock this one down to experience and TBH if I could get 30mph out of the trike I'd be in the middle of the road whooping so loudly that people would come out of their houses to see what was going on!
*this actually happened to me when I found I get the trike clear off the ground, flying off speed humps on a hill down the side of Greenwhich Park*

Take good care,

T x
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