Joggers or peds maybe the next down in the pecking order as bikes are from cars, but they do have priority right of way and riding needs to adjust to suit when they are in in our paths, 'speshly with regards iPods.
With every respect Betty you have to be prepared for peds to be either unpredictable or just plain stupid sometimes, just as car drivers need to cut us some slack on the odd occasion.
My biggest fear, when out on the 'bent trike, is someone stepping from the curb without looking and landing onto or into me. I also have no guard on my chainset so you can imagine the shin smashing that could cause.
I do though have an enourmously embarrassing bell that sounds like a grandfather clock but I have found that when I've had to use it, peds only stop dead and check from head height, very often never looking down, which to be honest isn't a Peds regular place to meet grief on the road.
I'd clock this one down to experience and TBH if I could get 30mph out of the trike I'd be in the middle of the road whooping so loudly that people would come out of their houses to see what was going on!
*this actually happened to me when I found I get the trike clear off the ground, flying off speed humps on a hill down the side of Greenwhich Park*
Take good care,
T x