FWIW here are the poll results. Thanks to all who participated.
"1. Have you ever seen a device like VECTr before? (If so, tell us where in 'other'?)" 103 Votes
Answer Votes Percent
No 79 77%
Other: 16 16%
Yes 8 8%
Other Answers
Seen some similar concepts and protos
Inside my own head.
"never actually seen, but basic idea has been floating around"
"A book while researching bike drivetrains in college, 1997."
Browning Transmission
The 80s.
In my mind
Deal Drive (never seen one ... just read)
old rear gearing system video on park tool website
"Bicycle Magazine, 1980s"
I think I saw a system similar to this developed by a car manufacturer
Truvativ hammerschmidt; not popular though
"radial gear, google it."
2. Would you be interested in purchasing VECTr? 101 Votes
Answer Votes Percent
Yes 27 27%
Yes (conditional) 8 8%
Not Sure/Maybe 10 10%
No 56 55%
"3. How much would you pay for a reliable, easily installed component based on the VECTr design?" 87 votes
Answer Votes Percent
$0 (would not buy) 9 10%
No more than $50 14 16%
$50 - $100 13 15%
$100 - $200 34 39%
$300 - $500 9 10%
$500 or more 3 3%
Depends on Quality 5 6%
"Do you know of any bicycle component manufacturers who make innovative or unconventional gearing systems? (If so, tell us who in 'other'?)" 88 votes
Answer Votes Percent
Yes 18 20%
No 47 53%
Other: 23 26%
Other Answer/Votes
FSA Patterson/3
Re Above/1
Sturmey Archer/2
Truvativ Hammerschmidt/6