I've read about similar devices before. Specifically the "Deal Drive" which was actually an automatic transmission (it was torque sensitive I think)
If you can make it light and reliable, maybe combined with an enclosed chaincase it could have a role on city bikes, I guess.
Or maybe not. Best of luck with it
Thanks for you feed back and good wishes.
Actually, I expected the greatest resistance to be from those pointing out how it has been tried before. As you see from the Deal Drvie, prior iterations were hugely complicated, and so heavy and expensive. I believe my design is viable because it is simple, and so light and inexpensive to produce, while eliminating chain drop, but not sacrificing performance. I think with some development it can deliver on these. But, yes, reliability is key.
BTW, mine is not automatic. Gear changes are under the rider's control.
At this point I am judging interest, and looking for problems. So far, no problem mentioned so far seems insurmountable. As to interest, we're discussing it, and I have valuable feedback from the survey.
So, if you haven't already, please take the survey.