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Active Member
Hi all,

I have rather foolishly agreed to do a 75 mile charity ride in 8 weeks time, and was looking for some advice on how best to use the time I have to avoid embarrassment.

I am beginning from a base level of 0 fitness after a prolonged period out with injury, and have found several difficulties getting back into exercise. I find my recovery period is particularly long, and I am having to take days off at a time to avoid cramping upon rides.

I was hoping someone could give me some advice on supplements that may improve my performance and recovery. Essentially I am looking to improve my overall strength and stamina and also improve recovery time. Could anyone offer any insight?

Your time is much appreciated.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Diet is always the first place to look.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Hold on there, I never said it was a pointless question. I said, look at your diet and keep the pedals turning.

Cramping up and slow recovery are symptomatic of lacking diet and perhaps bike fit. Would you prefer I said "spend £135492343 on xy and z supplements that will make you Bradley Wiggins overnight"? Because I could do that, but it would be dishonest.


Active Member
No of course not, and I am not looking to spend huge amounts on extortionate supplements.

I also realise that all the you could give me a blood transfusion straight from Lance Armstrong circa 2002 and I would still be struggling.

I have tried to address my diet, but read your generic response as a sarcastic dismissal. If that wasn't the intention I apologise.

I was just looking to see if there were any specific dietary/supplementary suggestions that may aid my efforts.


Rainbows aren't just for world champions
Northern Ireland
Actual science and big words aren't welcome here, "address diet" is about as technical as it gets.

What did you address about your diet? The first place to start is probably protein and then hydration and salt intake,assuming cramping isn't a bike fit issue.


Active Member
Sounds like a good place to start.



Man or Moose!
It is very unlikely that you need supplements. A good diet and time in the saddle is more than enough.

You could probably complete 75 mile on a base of Burger King and the occasional 30 miler! Emphasis on complete!


Active Member
Haha yeah, more the pace than the distance I am concerned with. I have agreed to do the ride with 3 friends who have just returned from cycling London - Kenya.


Man or Moose!
Basically it is a case of riding more.

Forget interval training (I just know someone is going to suggest this), 8 weeks is not long enough to bother with this and you are more at risk of injury as someone with little experience and base fitness. Just ride more, keep increasing the distance and eat well.

Supplements have their place, but I would say with 99% confidence, that place is not here.


Active Member
Thanks. I think it will be a case of just putting the miles in then, trying to increase week by week.


Über Member
Start off as flat as possible and get used to gears, traffic, manoeuvring, the feel of the bike etc to give you confidence on the bike and then start adding a bit in of more difficulty, and riding further.

Make sure you eat before you ride. As many people have put on here, porridge is a great pre ride food, or something that slow releases energy over longer periods. Make sure you take water, juice or what ever you like in your bottle cages and a banana or flapjack to eat on your longer rides. Probably a good idea to get another bottle cage if you only have one.
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