England : London Sunday London ride

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Incredible day guys, really enjoyed myself and it was nice to put names to faces.
Feel blessed to have shared your company and time. :thumbsup:
Nice to have met you P.
These Sunday rides aren't necessarily as brief or as pootly as today's (I think) was.
Hope to see you again.
OK time to show off. This is the first Sunday London report featuring Zipp keboard, electronic thought-changer and Van delivery at no extra cost.
A plethora of CycleChat shirts abounded at Wellington Arch. I sort of just made it on time - my legs had reached a new Pb. No, not that good - they felt even more like lead than usual after playing in the rain the previous 24 hours!
Anyway, new boy V for Vengedetta / Paul turned up on some cheap plastic bike although we amused him - welcome to the fold, Paul. And Ian was looking at his new Van Nicholas every five seconds. He has developed this new process called "thought cleaning"...it's a bit like Superman with his x-ray vision. One glance at the offending fly, dust or smear and the problem is resolved! Two lovely bikes, men. Meanwhile, the group were disappointed by Dave who had nothing new on offer, just his mangy old Litespeed with Dura-Ace and Di12 - same old stuff as last week - but with the welcome addition of 'bro' Mark - it has been a long time Mark, and was about time too.
And Clive.
No more Mr Preston. Now it's Mr Pressed on! Wow! The drugs Clive must be taking to have hoisted his performance curve way beyond the acceptable parameters...the SLR suspects. To see you and Paul racing past One Hyde Park was like watching two grasshoppers riding pencil lead - eat more pies both of you!^_^
"The Commander" under instruction from his stomach suggested Route One to Fatboys Diner - which was met by unanimous accord by the group. Bent Mikey lost his chance to meet and greet and we were on our way. London seemed to pass quite rapidly today and User10571 once again displayed his affliction - atozedism is a phenomenon to be admired...only Dave has the same affliction..it's a wonderful thing.
So what do we do? Everyone chats, admires, sits around, drinks tea, coffee and eats. Fatboys is famous for hosting films so User10571's pastrami on rye with sauerkraut and gherkin went bye the bye - but the proprietor was decent enough to appease us with tea and coffee - which enabled another chat. A meandering Thamesside ride enabled us to arrive at the Greenwich foot tunnel café where jerk chicken (well, it is Carnival weekend!) patties, fried egg sandwiches on toast were consumed and then wee all went our separate ways.
Dave, Mark, Paul and I did a fairly rapid exit to LMNH where, once again, the Kernel India Pale Ale tasted good. Mark hasn't had a Slag in a long while (so he said) and we passed a few more minutes chatting about this and that before splitting for various points. I say thank you all - my legs are still thinking...
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Ah! Crap wheels, Ian - you probably need to change them...:thumbsup:
Sunday Vengeday Ride 002.jpg2.jpg

More plastic crap from Paul - it's just as well we're tolerant of shabby gear on the Sunday London.
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There was something fishy going on at Trinity Buoy Wharf...but on a scale of one to ten...
Sunday Vengeday Ride 011.jpg2 nobber.jpg

There was even a London example of a 'nobber' to behold.
Sunday Vengeday Ride 015.jpg2.jpg

Mark shows the correct Pilates technique for supping a bottle of 'Slag' while paying attention. The guy behind is famous for cycling a road bike over rocks and stuff - Dave will supply the details as he knows where the video lurks...thanks all. (No joy with the cranks either!)


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Incredible day guys, really enjoyed myself and it was nice to put names to faces.
Feel blessed to have shared your company and time. :thumbsup:

Pleasure to have your company V. Always nice to have new faces join the ride and so glad you enjoyed. We are blessed indeed in having our human A-Z that goes by the name of User10571.

8 peeps met at HPC today. Myself, Mista Preston, Topcat1 & Topcat 2, Mark Grant, User10571. Aperitif and of course V for Vendetta, on a bike that weighs less then a non weighty thing from Planet Less Weight Then weighty.

We had no plan as usual so we reverted to type and headed off to Hyde Park for a loop after the obligatory MacPiss stop. Visited BentMikey's work office but he hadn't turned up for work the lazy so and so.

So plan was to head to FatBobs Diner in Trinity Wharf for sustenance and then onto the London Cable Car. On arriving at FatBobs the sign in the window said not open bank holidays or bank holiday Sundays. As we where umming and aahing the owner turned up. FatBobs was to be used for filming (Not for the first time apparently, it was used in the movie Sliding Doors). Anyway, I think he felt sorry for us, so said he would make us all teas and coffees, but no food was to be had. Fat Bobs is well worth a visit if you are in the area (and even if you are not).

It was then decided to head for the cafes at Island Gardens Park. This is where User10571 comes into his own and tapped into his mind-held A-Z, taking us west along the back routes and paths along the north bank of the river. It amazes me everytime that you can cycle in London for years and years and still visit and ride places where you haven't before.

The Cafe at Island Gardens was open and serves up a fine menu of West Indian fare. A couple of Jamaican Patties for myself and arrange of other delights for others including Jerk Chicken, Dumplings & Plantain, Omelets and egg on toast (bread really ^_^ ) .

Time was getting on and I knew I would be late home, so myself, Mista Preston and User10571 left the others north of the river while we descended into the Greenwich Tunnel to reappear southside and homeward bound.

Once again, cheers User10571 for showing us sights of London that many of us had never seen before. 'teef mentioned that we should change this thread to 'Sunday London User10571', it would be fitting. And cheers everyone else for making another cracking Sunday London Ride.

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
loved the unobtainum alloy bikes, they are just so classy got me thinking now.. lol.. But my god did I want to take Daves lightspeed home and internally route the Di2, it nearly made me :cry: Still thinking about it now, freaking me out.. lol
Some funny shoot went on though, like when Ian's bike moved down fatboys just enough to make every one think its going over, everyone twitched and reacted to the movement, while Ian reacted Cavendish style and was ten feet in front of everyone else to catch his bike. Luckily it did not fall and I would not wish that on anyone, but the look of horror on his face did amuse me.
Saw some great parts of London I rarely see, or have never seen... When you think about it we live in a seriously cool city, wish I could say the same about the quality of the roads.... So much fun


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Sounds like I mised another good 'un. Was without a pass until a moment of lucidity from Evey last night (get rid of Andy for a day, yay!) and got a facebook invite to an essex ride from the uk's other WAW rider. Chance not to bring them together too big to miss, so knocked in 88 sunny miles of stares and gasps. Mostly, not from me, though one bollard at a cafe entrance did see a fairly sharp intake of breath.

Almost home for pumpkin hour too, which will teach me not to join a ride that starts from the wrong part of town some 3 hours before I want to be there. :smile:

Glad you all hada great ride. Suspect the WAW would have been a little heavyweight for the cablecar :smile:

Mr Haematocrit

msg me on kik for android
.......... like watching two grasshoppers riding pencil lead - eat more pies both of you ^_^

lol my weight is due to my genetic's just like my rugged good looks, however I remain sympathetic towards those who are not able to get within reach of the uci weight limit, as such while taking your advise and eating pies I will refrain from pointing out who I saw having to beathe in when cycling through those restrictions by the thames, east london.... But I can't help wonder if this is genetics also or simply due to not sharing pies with the needy like myself ^_^


What a top bloke Mr. Fatboy's Diner is!

He didn't have to open up to us to make tea.

I'll be back there - I hope the rest of you will too!

Storming day out, in the finest of company - thanks guys - where were the women? :sad:
First time out on a Sunday London ride since the start of the year and it was great fun. Very good too see everyone again and meet Paul who has given me some serious bike envy !

A very relaxing ride around parts of London that only a Sunday London ride can take you (with the human GPS User10571).

Hope to see you all again once I am back from my little trip !




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Choice pics, Clive.

Nice one!

G'luck with your upcoming trip!!!
EDIT: Love the B&W pic outside Fatboys... :smile:
lol my weight is due to my genetic's just like my rugged good looks, however I remain sympathetic towards those who are not able to get within reach of the uci weight limit, as such while taking your advise and eating pies I will refrain from pointing out who I saw having to beathe in when cycling through those restrictions by the thames, east london.... But I can't help wonder if this is genetics also or simply due to not sharing pies with the needy like myself ^_^
Skinny is only for lattes mon ami...I'm also under the UCI (Uncultured Common Imbeciles) weight limit. Pat McWeighed, me. :smile:
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