England : London Sunday London ride

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I started riding to partridge green but bailed at three bridges with v sore quads, must have overdone it in the gym this week.

Couple of cracking stretches though, went down bug hill, round the back of warlingham that was steep enough, thanks. Then I went up a track/road called the enterdent where I thought I was actually going to die. And I probably would have been quicker walking...
And I went to London for a bimble around in patchy sunshine. There was a heap of stuff going on today; The Moonwalk - the annual footslog with pink bra-printed t shirts. (A bit different to the inaugural event which was a bit eye catching!)
The roadworks at the crossing to Wellington Arch are looking a bit tidier. They should be ready for a majestic June One NRttC.
The clerk of the works was keeping an eye on proceedings:
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Pink prevailed and there was a massive marquee, and complex with music dominating the Park.

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The coffee stands opened eventually and were attracting queues. There's a lot to be said for Coffee Bras in the park - I took off for Regents Park and some more passing the time laps, keeping an eye out for Andrij...:rolleyes:
"Holy Sundays Batman!" - there was another Charity Event - a Superheroes Run. I watched and chatted to a few people for a while and took off Northwards for further casual riding. By now the breeze was becoming a nuisance, the sun was getting stalled by the clouds and I felt tired when getting off the bike. It's so easy to clock up mileage going round and round in circles - can't really see it doing me any good, but it was nice to 'go with the flow' and catch up people who were overtaking, on a mission, whizzing round.And round. And round. A nice temperate day in all.
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Might be worth getting chapter and verse about access to certain areas around HPC during the Olympisch Gameschen. Mind you, as all the Sunday London Rides are either in Kent or Essex or Surrey these days it hardly matters :whistle::smile:
My Sunday London Ride was a Sunday London Ride - it was just a bit short! (In fact it was so short I didn't bother with cleats or the road bike, I was on the Brommie). I popped up to Trafalgar Square to meet Auntie Helen finish her epic trip from Berlin raising money for Help for Heroes who are funding The Colchester Personnel Recovery Centre In case you missed it, Auntie Helen has been blogging here: http://auntiehelen.wordpress.com/2011/12/26/berlin-to-london/ (which is worth looking at just to see the fabulous cakes available in Germany!) Apparently she has burned 19000 calories!​
Martin235, Jane, Wowbagger and User10571 had accompanied Auntie Helen from Harwich and Ingastone (abbreviated version of spelling) this morning. I took a couple of pics (very rubbish but proof that Auntie Helen completed the trip and was awarded a Certificate by Help for Heroes) https://picasaweb.google.com/108733...&authkey=Gv1sRgCNSX8PqbiIqpZg&feat=directlink
Hope the Preston household is feeling better than it was this morning. :hello:


  • Auntie Helen in Trafalgar Square.jpg
    Auntie Helen in Trafalgar Square.jpg
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Über Member
I went up to Oxford Street to wander around the shops, back through Hyde Park where I did a piddly half a lap, up through Sloane Square, across Chelsea Bridge, a couple of laps of Battersea Park and then the last mile home. Only 7.77 miles out but a whole lot of happy in the sunshine :bicycle::sun:


vintage Mercian 2012
well it's been a busy week for me (not) waiting in for 3 days for some wheels, i finealy get out on weds nite and this happens in richmond park
so i get the train home (there was some walking)
and pick these up the next day

today i was out with Sig (ok so Sigs secret ride - ride for 10 miles then straight in the pub) apparently i did
58 miles :unsure:

anyway, me wheels came


Dog on a bike
well it's been a busy week for me (not) waiting in for 3 days for some wheels, i finealy get out on weds nite and this happens in richmond park
so i get the train home (there was some walking)
and pick these up the next day

today i was out with Sig (ok so Sigs secret ride - ride for 10 miles then straight in the pub) apparently i did
58 miles :unsure:

anyway, me wheels came
How do you keep managing to break things? Forks, bars.....

Glad you're ok though!!
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