Sun Snipe Plus - c1965

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New Member
OMG! I've often wondered what happened to my bike - lol. Apologies in advance ladies and gents, I'm probably going to ramble on for farrr too long about my beautiful Sun Snipe Plus. Who knows? Maybe some people that are interested, so here goes.

In December 1964, when I would have been 13yrs old, my fabulous parents bought me (after me choosing it), a beautiful Sun Snipe Plus - which as I remember it WAS definitely metallic green (a previous comment suggested that it wasn't metallic). Sorry, can't remember how much it was, but I do remember that we got it from the quite large bike shop in the high street of Ruislip Manor, Middlesex (as was), now Hillingdon most likely. I lusted after this bike for about 6 months, only ever had either 2nd hand, or bikes that I had put together myself. You know, frame form Dave, cowhorn handlebars from Peter etc. I though the WORLD of my new bike, so much so that I can remember taking upstairs to bed with me so that I could look at it as soon as I woke up.

I was quite lucky I suppose in that the secondary school I went to allowed people who had passed their cycling proficiency test (who remembers taking that?), to ride their bike to and from school. Fortunately, I had passed mine with 93%, and out of the whole of that day’s group – maybe 10-12 people, I think only Derek Parsons beat me with 94%.

Anyway, needless to say that I rode to school and proudly parked it in the bike shed. Yes, there genuinely were bikes sheds – how else would some of the pupils have smoked their Senior service or Players weights ‘fags’? Of course, some got up to other things behind the bike sheds too, but that’s a different story ha-ha.

My Snipe Plus and I were inseparable until some friends and I went swimming after school in the then newly built Highgrove swimming baths. After swimming I looked for my bike, which had been padlocked, but it was nowhere to be seen. One of my mates gave me a ‘crossbar’ home, and told my parents. Luckily because it was a brand new bike, we had a receipt for it which showed the frame number, which we gave to the police, so that if it was found etc.

I continued to ride a cobbled together bike until about a week later, shock horror, I saw my cousin riding it. It was VERY distinctive, and pf course I knew that it was MINE, and asked him where he got it. Fact is stranger than fiction so they say, but it turned out that he had bought it off a guy that lived about 30 doors up the road from me. In the same road! So we told the police, they took mum and me I think round to his house, checked the frame number, it matched, and so it was returned to me. Can’t remember what happened to him, probably just got a warning, but any way I had my a beautiful Sun Snipe Plus back!

We lived in Eastcote, Middlesex, and my dad used to ride to work in Southall. Seemed like quite a way really, but now that one of my 22yr old twin sons is into road bikes and racing, he’ll think nothing of coming home from work and doing a 30 mile ride. With his club Sunday morning ride he’ll do as much as 60 or 80 miles, and still occasionally go out in the in that afternoon for another 20 miles!

Sorry to have reminisced for so long, but may I say a HUGE, HUGE thank you to the person who put these pictures on here so that I was able to re-live part of my youth.
Thanks - Mark


Keeping the Carlton and Sun names alive...
Plymouth, Devon
Hi Mark, twas me. I still ride this bike regularly.


Love this post. I too have a sun that I've had ( Chris barber?) since my formative years and love it dearly. Its sat in my mums out house. One day I'll dig her out and ride her where I used to go. Many ghosts from way back in my youth that it may rekindle that it may invoke are putting that retro ride on the back burner though
Love this post. I too have a sun that I've had ( Chris barber?) since my formative years and love it dearly. Its sat in my mums out house. One day I'll dig her out and ride her where I used to go. Many ghosts from way back in my youth that it may rekindle that it may invoke are putting that retro ride on the back burner though
Go on do it, you look like you could do with the exorcise! :laugh:


Keeping the Carlton and Sun names alive...
Plymouth, Devon
In the process of fitting new Sun branded hoods to my Snipe Prestige and refitting the correct black hoods to the Carlton which were formerly on the Sun... yes its a long story. Work in progress yesterday...

They just don't understand.


New Member
Been out for a test ride this morning, only 2 or 3 miles. Nothing fell off (inc me) nothing shaking or squeaking. Rear mech need a little work as it a bit sticky getting to top gear, but apart from that its a very solid machine. Spent a good 3-4 hours yesterday building it up and setting to my position for riding. Brakes are fine and my old Wrights saddle most comfortable. I need to invest in another pair of toe clips, I can't ride without them! Ive taken a few details shots whilst riding in my local test track - Plymouth's Victoria Park.

I don't know how to describe the paint finish, it a lovely dark green flam (?), it defiantly not flat colour and not metallic, the light and dark areas around the lugs are very pleasing to (my) the eye.
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Don't you love 'S'bolts!

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The lever was a little stiff but will smooth out with use. This machine will be used, the pannier making it great for commenting (fine weather only!)
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The seat tube graphics are just of their time, when Sun was bait more than Carlton's bargain basement brand?
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My test track - the park is about 1-mile around and great for safe cycling/testing and general pootling around.
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I love this old saddle...
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This needs a little work, Ill reroute the cable first as getting to 5th was a little sticky...
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Clean and uncluttered...
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Proper Sun branded hoods
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Carlton wrap over seat stays...
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Fabulous bike. I had the same bike in 1965, it had center pull brakes which ran through the neck of the handlebars. Which was very unusual back then. I'll have to dig out a picture of it from the loft somewhere.... Great days.
This is my latest acquisition, another Sun, this time a Snipe Plus go accompany my Snipe Prestige. This machine is in astounding condition, the original paintwork is near immaculate, no rust and hardly a mark. The graphics on the 23-1/2" frame are also pretty in intact too, the seat tube is particularly nice. I've still some work to do on it, but I have already replaced the seat with an old Wrights W3N I have been keeping, this was originally on my first ever Carlton back in 1975. The bike is pretty much 85% original, I need to change the seat post and handlebar stem at some point though. 5-speed transmission is by a second generation Huret Alvit mech. Lugs are very plain and simple with white lining. The 28-tooth rear sprocket should help with the hills in Plymouth, the Williams chain set is a 48 tooth affair. Mudguards are period Britannia Sprint Veloce, similar to Bluemels. The previous owner has done some work on this machine and made a very good job of it. Rims are steel with alloys hubs. I flesh out the spec details when I have had a closer look over the machine.

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Love it!!
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