I'm not sure when delivery companies decided they were in the business of Distribution, but they didn't stay long before deciding they were now all about Delivering Logistical Solutions.
I think it's rather more to do with trying to convince the average bod that they are an accountable public service rather than a "force" intent on seeking interesting opportunities to beat folk up.And how about the "Police Force" attempts to rebrand themselves as the "Police Service". At the risk of sounding political and being forever exiled to the NACA part of the forum, I read this as them trying to wriggle out of the responsibility of "enforcing the law" to "servicing the diktats of their political masters".
Summer or Winter?Clearly written by simeone with a mountain leaders qualification,
Bike packing. It derives from back packing, but you carry gear on the bike instead of your back. It was always about doing it whilst being on tracks in the mountains away from the roads. So why do people now apply it when riding in the road? No, your not bike packing, you're just touring with different luggage.
Swede - it's a turnip.
When I was in primary and high school in the 70s and 80s, the head of the school was termed the "principal". It's certainly not a new term in Australia.You know, quite often motivate by dpolitical correctness, people with the management skills of David Brent, or even the simply mischievous. We knew where we were in the old days when a spade was called a spade, but these days it's often quite difficult to figure what the hell they're on about.
Two examples to start you off. When I were a lad - a long time ago, I know - schools were called schools. Now locally we seem not to have schools any more, one being called a Learning Centre and another being called a Learning Village. And since when did they stop employing head teachers? You knew who the head was, but what on earth is a principal? It's the sort of evasive bullpois you'd expect to find in a dodgy used car advert, not a seat of learning.
So what other examples of daft names for every day things can you think of?
Agree about pre-loved.Oh yeah, pre owned or pre loved.
What's wrong with second hand? Used I could tolerate.