That you don't have to have your chain dripping with oil for it to be correctly lubed.
Brakes don't work properly on wet steel rims! (Not as bad a problem with alloy rims, though remember to apply brakes early in the wet to dry off the rims before effective braking is required.)
(As a teenager, I was nearly killed when I accidentally ran a red light at the foot of a hill in the rain ...)
Hills are the devils own work.
Have you ever tried to stop an exploding bottle of pop by putting your hand over it?
Brakes don't work properly on wet steel rims! (Not as bad a problem with alloy rims, though remember to apply brakes early in the wet to dry off the rims before effective braking is required.)
(As a teenager, I was nearly killed when I accidentally ran a red light at the foot of a hill in the rain ...)
The combination of steel, water and brake blocks is not a good one - it is a horrible feeling when you apply the brakes and find that they hardly work!This I did not know, thanks!
It's good to know since my new bike has alloy rims, although I always brake slightly when rolling down big hills anyway just in case something unexpected happens.