Stupid Americans

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That's a Billy Connolly joke although the joke was on stupid Scottish Highland policemen working in Glasgow calling for an ambulance. Sauchiehall Street then dragging them into Hope Street

Bigtallfatbloke said:
Phone rings.
Operator:You've reached 911,how may I help you?
Redneck:My wife just got bit by a warthog.Can you send an ambulance to 121 Eucalyptus?
Operator:Can you spell that for me,sir?

Long pause.

Redneck:Forget that.Just send that ambulance to Oak Lane,and I'll drag her over there.
Arch said:
Factoid: What those American videos call Elk are actually Red Deer in 'English'. An Elk, according to European tradition of nomenclature, is what the Yanks call a moose.

Which is why science sticks to Latin names...
We-ee-llll, the Jellystone NP visitor centre (sorry, 'center') had a bit about how what most people would call a 'buffalo' should in fact be called a 'bison'...

And it explained that what in North America was called 'elk' was also called 'wapiti' and was different to what in Europe was called 'elk', which in North America was called 'moose'.


This was a light-hearted Friday afternoon bit of humour. You really need to take things with a pinch of salt guys.
However as much as you claim there are stupid, ignorant British people I doubt if any of them have matched the stupidity and ignorance of the Americans I stayed with when I was 18 on an exchange. These questions were from a couple I stayed with who were a surgeon and an optician and who's friends were lawyers, accountants etc.....all of whom were deadly serious and was asked these and more over a period of my 3 week stay.

* Did we have television in Scotland
* Did I have to get a boat to France to fly to America
* Had I met the Queen (What was she like)
* Do we have tar on the roads in Britain or is it still dirt.
* Where did I learn to speak English
* Was Scotland part of Sweden

And said:
Fixed it for you:

Heard some Brits talking in town today asking for directions. Jesus, the way they try to pronounce place names is hilarious - they didn't know how to pronounce 'Allegheny’ or ‘Monongahela’ or ‘Hohokam’ .

I was reminded about the time I saw on the ‘class’ documentaries by Prescott with the girls who didn't know what the Houses of Parliament were, and when they got there thought it was Buckingham Palace.

Anyway of them was asked about who they would vote for and she said 'the BNP's, innit' - her black friend was well impressed.

The Brits have no reason to be smug about ‘stupid Americans’.


Keith Oates said:
I strongly suspect that it would be possible to make a similar list of questions asked by any nationality in the world, including the Brits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bigtallfatbloke said:
absolutly...what about the hoards of ignorant Brits who invade the Spanish southern cost and claim it as another home county? I think we Brits are probably the most arrogant of peoples anywhere. We have stupid people as well, they are called Chavs and drive white vans and believe that because they have been to Orlando they have conquered America.

Over The Hill said:
Why are they stupid for not knowing the secret code for unlocking how to say the words but we are not stupid for being the ones who made up a language that has nine different ways of pronouncing "ough" ?

Stupid English I say!

Also, this country is full of people who pronounce Gnu incorrectly and who learnt to pronounce it incorrectly by it being included in a silly song that was all about mispronouncing words.

Admit it you read it as “ger-noo”

(It is pronounced “nu” the G is silent like gnome. Americans may not be so stupid?)

Niall Estick

New Member
Hey America is officially no longer stupid after voting for Obama.

We have to be nice about them now.

Having said that, I too was once asked by an American if we had TVs in the 'yookay' because she knew that they didn't in Germany.

Another was also convinced that Thatcher was a Communist mole.
Oh I don't know. British Politicians and the special relationship sh1t seems pretty stupid to me.. and they're in charge of the country. lets see..
a) the Yanks kicked you out in 1770's
;) twice saved your arses in Europe
and politicians still think there's a special relationship !! Well I suppose Master and dog have a special relationship. OK too much politics..
Anyway everyone knows its only the Irish with the special relationship ...
Rock on Barrack O' Bama.


Jesus we'll do anything to get in with US !
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