The guys & gals that want to go quicker and not stop are fine just let them go and do it , and how true are there figures
Not very true. If you want to increase your average speed, the easiest way is to minimise the time you spend between flat-out and your autopause threshold. There are limits to how high you can set your autopause to before the competition sites complain, so the safer approach is to charge up to every junction, emergency stop at the latest possible moment, then sprint back up to full speed as soon as you can - which will be fine until you misjudge "the latest possible moment"

and then it will hurt. Lots. And yet, I still see people cycling like that. I expected it to die off (hopefully not literally) once Strava wasn't new, but there seem to be more Straviots every year. It's nice there are more people cycling but crikey!
Try not to compare yourself with others. There's always someone faster. You are infinitely faster than someone sat on a settee eating crisps.
Some say that if it's not on Strava, it didn't happen, so no-one is sat on a settee eating crisps.
Each to their own when it comes to why you cycle but without the numbers I wouldn’t do it I enjoy pushing myself to go further or faster I would not enjoy going out and cruising about especially on my own maybe that would be different with somebody else but if the miles weren’t logged it would feel to me like I’ve wasted my time. Like I say each to their own.
I'm a bit worried by that in at least two ways: firstly, you've been ill, so at least try to compare your numbers with some sort of acknowledgement of that - I don't know if there are communities on Strava for illnesses which might help; secondly, we are all ultimately on a long slide into the grave

so at some point, further or faster is probably going to stop unless you go out with a bang, which ain't exactly good either - and if you stop cycling when it's not further or faster any more, you'll probably slide faster, so I hope before then you find other reasons to ride.
What worries me about the clubs is I don’t wear all the gear and they all do I guess, I don’t even wear a helmet currently so I’d probably have to buy one (I know this splits opinion)
There are some that are all the gear and probably more that are "all the gear and no idea", but there are also plenty which wear whatever (mix of lycra, old-fashioned and nothing in particular in the one I ride with - and sometimes we've worn capes, sackcloth, wellies, cardboard, ...

As for helmets, Cycling UK Member Groups are not allowed to force (some have tried but HQ seem to act on complaints), CUK Affiliates and I think Sustrans groups are discouraged (but some still do), Cyclenation groups mostly don't and British Cycling clubs aren't required to except for mass start racing, but I've only seen ones that force, although I think they're still not allowed to force time triallists but there have been repeated attempts to change it so that may have changed. That's just the current summary from memory. If anyone has updates or wants to discuss it, please post on