It's the thread on the bottom post mount. I think it's aluminium and it has been suggested up thread looking at the pics it may have a steel sleeve insert.
It very well may be a steel insert, which is problematic because you will not have enough material to drill and chase a new thread in, unless you plan doing it on the Alloy, given it's the bottom mount I don't think that's a safe option.
In regards to your idea of using a longer bolt you need to check how deep the thread is, sometimes the hole itself may be drilled deep but the insert isn't no where near as deep as the hole.
I didn't read how you stripped it, but if you stripped the threads by bottoming out the bolt and kept tightening til it popped, then
all the threads are gone. If you just misaligned the bolt and carried on for a little, then you may still find some okay threads. Best of luck.