@Reynard funnily enough I saw the bird one on Essex Rd just after photographing the Madonna one above, and like you thought it a bit worse for wear. I'm getting fussy, if I start sounding like Brian Sewell please throw me in the Thames

. I will go in search of Gandhi and the other bird though,thanks

LOL! Don't worry, I won't throw you in the Thames... yet...
The bird your looking for just off Chapel market is on Godson Street - it's a peacock btw. The cafe with the nice arty shutter blinds is the one with the worse-for-wear bird on the side. Though you'll need to go by in the evening once it's shut.
I remember there used to be (many years ago) some nice tennis-themed murals near the leisure centre that's between New North Road and Hoxton Street, but I can't remember whether they're still there or not... Not, I think, but I'll have a looksy at some point.
Do have to say, you've got me looking for art while I'm out and about. It's amazing how much we *don't* see when bumbling around on autopilot...