Street Art

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North Yorkshire
That’s cool. Looks like he works from a painting for the mural, and has the thing fully planned. Totally awesome work. A scissor lift and a legal wall is one thing, but I do still wonder at the ingenuity of the sprayers who are throwing stuff up in the night: must be quite a feat. Makes me want to give it a go. Oh, I live in rural North Yorkshire....better start tagging me some field trees.


Thanks @woodenspoons, I've come across a few artists and seen works progress over the course of a few days, but I've always just been passing and never had the time to stay and watch it all unfold, I'd love to though.

I look at ones like the Dan Kitchener one, so many colours, amazing light, with so much going on, and wonder how does it even start.....Well as it happens, look what I just found^_^. I'm still in awe, up close it looks so much harder to see the big picture, but he obviously just knows how its going to look.

I saw something similar to that on my drive back on Sunday, it was above a garage/tyre place before Honour Oak Park - not quite fully in view from the road I was on.

Infact here it is from Google (just before the Mushrooms)


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I saw something similar to that on my drive back on Sunday, it was above a garage/tyre place before Honour Oak Park - not quite fully in view from the road I was on.

Infact here it is from Google (just before the Mushrooms)
View attachment 432762
Yes, it's between Brockley Road and Brockley Rise:,-0.0411292,3a,15.1y,4.92h,94.39t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sOBj9M_XjT3njgaKXWFLLwA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Oops, already shown. Must check recent posts.....
booze and cake

booze and cake

probably out cycling
Street art news hit the BBC recently, involving allegations that clothing company Boohoo used artist images in an extensive advertising campaign without payment, credit or even consent. Details in this article:
I have featured one of the artists concerned in this thread, in recent months I posted one of SPZero76's images in Stockwell, seen here:

I note from the BBC article that Boohoo are saying "..In this instance we relied upon the venue's assurance that all artistic works were licensed. We have subsequently been informed by a number of artists that the venue’s assurances were not correct and are seeking to resolve the situation with all parties concerned"

Well they are certainly dragging their heels over it. The billboard campaign was plastered all over the London Underground network, and I'm sure much further afield, in the run up to, during, and following the World Cup. And the images have only just be taken down, so when/if a settlement is arrived at, I hope it takes into consideration the length of time the campaign has already run and how extensive it was.

I saw the original post on the London Calling blog back in May, and wrote to the press team at Boohoo at the time, asking for a response to the allegations they used the images without permission. The photo-shoot deliberately includes artworks and has obviously been chosen to appeal to the companies target audience, and so they can be associated with the cool new street art medium.

I urged them to reconsider their stance, and suggested it was going to be bad PR to be behaving in this way. Boohoo's target audience is social media savvy, as are many of the artists concerned, and in the court of public opinion it looked like being a massive corporate own goal. Shortly after the original blog post in May I saw an artwork arranged by the London Calling crew I assume, stating Boohoo steals artists work. Here it is at one of the regular street art haunts by the Nomadic Community Garden. I don't know the bird, some kind of vulture?

I sent this image to Boohoo with my email as an example of bad PR they were already getting, and that the artists were likely to continue to kick up a fuss.

I also asked them how such practices allied with Boohoo's own social responsibility code of conduct, which contains the lines "We pride ourselves on our inclusive culture and team spirit and we believe in operating in a fair and sustainable manner", and "The Company continues to assess a number of options with regard to how it can improve upon its current ethical position"

Boohoo says it has its own in-house creative teams, but these were obviously pretty rubbish as they have not used their own work. A look at the Boohoo website to see the new photos now the street art ones have been removed confirms this. ^_^
It appears the creative team had not done their homework. A national advertising campaign costing vast sums and you have not checked the images were licensed for use? Really? Due *cough* diligence.

Artists should be aware of the laws that relate to them. There are designated spots it may be permitted, but artists may get their collars felt if caught doing graffiti elsewhere, and could be charged under the Criminal Damage Act, given Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBO's) and given fixed penalty notices under The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act. See here for more:

There is a common held misconception that because street art is on the street it can be freely used. In this case the art is not in a public space but a private property, but the artist still retains intellectual property rights to their work.
I am obviously taking loads of pictures of these artworks and sharing them across this small corner of the web, and where I am able to identify the artist I always do and give them credit. But I am not doing it for commercial gain. Boohoo's use of the images is undoubtedly for commercial gain. You cannot use other peoples images for national advertising campaigns without permission. Imagine if the artist was an Arsenal supporter with a livelong hatred of Tottenham, and he went on the tube one day and saw his art work being used to sell clothing for a Spurs player:cursing::laugh:.

I know I'm not an artist and don't have any financial claim against Boohoo, but I know which side I'm on. I am a lowly peasant, but I did not get a reply of any kind from Boohoo to my email back in May. After seeing the BBC link at the top of this thread I sent them another one, together with my first one again in case they missed it^_^. I have not had any kind of reply to that either. I thought I was doing them a favour. I'm not really bothered about them replying to me, but I shall be watching to see they do sort this out to the artists satisfaction. And if they don't I'll continue to call them out on the inter-web, and try and help in a tiny way to bringing increasing social media pressure for them to do the right thing.

Apologies for the wordy interlude, but thought some info on the legalities, existing and ongoing may be interesting to some. And to give a heads-up to @woodenspoons for his upcoming northern tree-art escapades^_^

And finally after all those words I feel duty bound to supply you with a photo or two. Here's a pad303 one that looks like its from the new Tom Hardy Venom movie.

And I came across another in the part mechanical, part animal series by Ardif, this time a hermit crab.
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North Yorkshire
Apologies for the wordy interlude, but thought some info on the legalities, existing and ongoing may be interesting to some. And to give a heads-up to @woodenspoons for his upcoming northern tree-art escapades^_^

Thanks @booze and cake. I won’t be riding any edge of what’s legal. Thinking I may start with the odd trees in woods I’ll later be working in - I fell wood commercially in winter months. Watch this space....
booze and cake

booze and cake

probably out cycling
@woodenspoons tree art, yes, please do keep us posted, I love trees too.

I know I've mentioned it before, but one of my best days in the saddle was a few years ago when I rode to see David Nash's ash dome in a secret location in Snowdonia. Magical, and the weather was amazing that day which further cements it into my top 10 ever rides. That was back in 2016 but I wrote about it and shared pics on cyclechat at the time, link here:


Street art news hit the BBC recently, involving allegations that clothing company Boohoo used artist images in an extensive advertising campaign without payment, credit or even consent. Details in this article:
I have featured one of the artists concerned in this thread, in recent months I posted one of SPZero76's images in Stockwell, seen here:
View attachment 432778
I note from the BBC article that Boohoo are saying "..In this instance we relied upon the venue's assurance that all artistic works were licensed. We have subsequently been informed by a number of artists that the venue’s assurances were not correct and are seeking to resolve the situation with all parties concerned"

Well they are certainly dragging their heels over it. The billboard campaign was plastered all over the London Underground network, and I'm sure much further afield, in the run up to, during, and following the World Cup. And the images have only just be taken down, so when/if a settlement is arrived at, I hope it takes into consideration the length of time the campaign has already run and how extensive it was.

I saw the original post on the London Calling blog back in May, and wrote to the press team at Boohoo at the time, asking for a response to the allegations they used the images without permission. The photo-shoot deliberately includes artworks and has obviously been chosen to appeal to the companies target audience, and so they can be associated with the cool new street art medium.

I urged them to reconsider their stance, and suggested it was going to be bad PR to be behaving in this way. Boohoo's target audience is social media savvy, as are many of the artists concerned, and in the court of public opinion it looked like being a massive corporate own goal. Shortly after the original blog post in May I saw an artwork arranged by the London Calling crew I assume, stating Boohoo steals artists work. Here it is at one of the regular street art haunts by the Nomadic Community Garden. I don't know the bird, some kind of vulture?
View attachment 432779
I sent this image to Boohoo with my email as an example of bad PR they were already getting, and that the artists were likely to continue to kick up a fuss.

I also asked them how such practices allied with Boohoo's own social responsibility code of conduct, which contains the lines "We pride ourselves on our inclusive culture and team spirit and we believe in operating in a fair and sustainable manner", and "The Company continues to assess a number of options with regard to how it can improve upon its current ethical position"

Boohoo says it has its own in-house creative teams, but these were obviously pretty rubbish as they have not used their own work. A look at the Boohoo website to see the new photos now the street art ones have been removed confirms this. ^_^
It appears the creative team had not done their homework. A national advertising campaign costing vast sums and you have not checked the images were licensed for use? Really? Due *cough* diligence.

Artists should be aware of the laws that relate to them. There are designated spots it may be permitted, but artists may get their collars felt if caught doing graffiti elsewhere, and could be charged under the Criminal Damage Act, given Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBO's) and given fixed penalty notices under The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act. See here for more:

There is a common held misconception that because street art is on the street it can be freely used. In this case the art is not in a public space but a private property, but the artist still retains intellectual property rights to their work.
I am obviously taking loads of pictures of these artworks and sharing them across this small corner of the web, and where I am able to identify the artist I always do and give them credit. But I am not doing it for commercial gain. Boohoo's use of the images is undoubtedly for commercial gain. You cannot use other peoples images for national advertising campaigns without permission. Imagine if the artist was an Arsenal supporter with a livelong hatred of Tottenham, and he went on the tube one day and saw his art work being used to sell clothing for a Spurs player:cursing::laugh:.

I know I'm not an artist and don't have any financial claim against Boohoo, but I know which side I'm on. I am a lowly peasant, but I did not get a reply of any kind from Boohoo to my email back in May. After seeing the BBC link at the top of this thread I sent them another one, together with my first one again in case they missed it^_^. I have not had any kind of reply to that either. I thought I was doing them a favour. I'm not really bothered about them replying to me, but I shall be watching to see they do sort this out to the artists satisfaction. And if they don't I'll continue to call them out on the inter-web, and try and help in a tiny way to bringing increasing social media pressure for them to do the right thing.

Apologies for the wordy interlude, but thought some info on the legalities, existing and ongoing may be interesting to some. And to give a heads-up to @woodenspoons for his upcoming northern tree-art escapades^_^

And finally after all those words I feel duty bound to supply you with a photo or two. Here's a pad303 one that looks like its from the new Tom Hardy Venom movie.
View attachment 432780
And I came across another in the part mechanical, part animal series by Ardif, this time a hermit crab.
View attachment 432781
Excellent post. What a bunch of shameless shoots, pardon my French. Dumb too. How hard would it be to put their hands up, say sorry, and compensate the artists involved? Thereby gaining some *good* PR. (As well as doing the right thing.) Let's hope that as you say it comes back to haunt them.
booze and cake

booze and cake

probably out cycling
@DP I like your Mondrian coloured bike too^_^

@swee'pea99 yep very short sighted of them, I'm sure they've already spent more on lawyers than if they just paid the artists by going legit in the first place.

And in a similar vein I came across another situation today that made me think, namely what is the law, if there is one, relating to the reproduction of famous statues from antiquity, and their use in current advertising campaigns?

I know with works such as literature and music, copyright can last for something like 100 years after the artists death, but what about using works from hundreds of years ago? Is intellectual property time limited? And if you are re-inventing a classic statue, or giving it a modern twist, who decides if it is simply a homage, is substantially different from the original to be classed as entirely different, or its just a rip-off and unlicensed copy?

Take Michelangelo's famous David statue. Its well over 500 years old. If permissions still need to be sought before use in a advertising campaign, who would you ask? Is there a Michelangelo Foundation or something that deals with these things, or does Michelangelo have any direct descendants who retain intellectual property rights? Or can anyone now use reproductions how they want? ......I don't know the answers to any of these questions and am just thinking out loud at the moment, if anyone knows anything please chip in.

The reason that train of thought came about was I was cycling through Battersea Park earlier, and came across this.

Its the same pose as the original David, see here: except this one has boxer shorts on instead of a fig leaf, and he is accompanied by a washing basket and a washing machine. So what the hell is going on here? The plaque reveals this is nothing more than a advert for a Samsung washing machine, and seems to be saying Samsung share Michelangelo's genius because their washing machine is ...."tested thousands of times to ensure it's built to stand the test of time". The fact he is called David further makes the link to the original.

Jesus wept non-biological tears, what a bunch of absolute guff. Its a bit of a leap to say testing a machine thousands of times is the same as designing a masterpiece. It could easily be tested thousands of times and be rubbish:laugh:. This may all be legal and above board, but it left a bitter taste in my mouth that such genius is referenced just to hawk some Korean washing machines.

I'm not on twitter but suspect my #usingthegeniusofotherstohawkyourwares and #tenuouslinks'r'us #canDazremovestainstoreputations suggestions are unlikely to be widely promoted and gain much traction:laugh:

Theresa May appears more likely to be remembered for her crimes against dancing than for any of her political activities. Back in August on a trip to Africa she provided evidence she'd had a complete rhythmic bypass, if you can bear to inflate those cringe glands again, here it is:

Following that debacle and in between Brexit talks she's been in secret training in the back rooms of number 10, and she unleashed some of these new moves at the recent Tory conference. Seen here: I can only assume its Peter Crouch who has been giving her lessons. Anyway I came across this today, the artwork is not the best but it made me laugh.

Back to our usual standards and in Bethnal Green there's a new Keytones6000 and HWJ Creative piece, that's painted over one of Keytones' older works.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Here's a modest ''Artmongers'' work just gone up on the shutters of a commando-style training gym.

A newish local newpaper has done a recent article on ''Artmongers'' and I learn that it was founded by Patricio Forrester, an ex-Goldsmith student, back in 2003 and a lot of his work goes up and around the borough (Artmongers did the His and Hers wall end) and he's just done a big work under a Lewisham railway bridge called Round About Now. I'll get a picture on it the next time I pass with bike and camera.
booze and cake

booze and cake

probably out cycling
I was over in Thornton Heath today, and there's 2 new big works right next to each other on Melfort Rd. First up an abstract one by Marc McClure. I've previously got one of his in Walthamstow on the first few pages of this thread.

And next we have a Ben Slow, this is rather lovely, and though its paint it looks like pencil or charcoal.

As I was almost in Croydon I thought I'd swing by in case any new works had gone up. I was in luck, loads of new stuff, and after talking to a local-info-walk-about-warden-person, I was informed its part of the Croydon BID (Business Improvement District), and street art has been identified as brightening up the streets and help bring people to the area.....I've been numerous times for just this reason^_^. Some of the recent works include emotive portrayals of mental health issues in the UK today, to mark World Mental Health Day, which coincidentally is today! More info here:

A work by the unmistakable Phlegm.

Actor Bill Nighy

Colour therapy

This is really good, and huge. By BK Foxx.

We will end with a smile.

More tomorrow, I've got to go out now. Good work Croydon:okay:
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booze and cake

booze and cake

probably out cycling
Sorry I didn't do an update as promised yesterday, I was on a 100 mile cycle adventure to see a tree instead.

@deptfordmarmoset at the risk of sounding like the nerdiest of street art nerds, *dons detective hat* I think I recognise the font that otter text is written in, its the same font that one of our regulars uses if he uses any text to accompany his art works, sheesh doesn't that sound tragic:laugh:

And for evidence, and to answer to the question posed, yes I have seen an otter in London before, in Brixton of all places. It was from back in the first few pages of this thread, and is by the very artist whose font use we are theorising over^_^
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B from Bristol, also previously posted on this thread

Both by Louis Masai, who's work often features endangered animals. Its a long shot, but I'd wager there may be a Louis Masai otter nearby, or maybe this is hinting that there is one coming, keep your eyes peeled^_^

And to finish off the other works from Croydon I didn't have time to post the other day. If you zoom in on this the entire image is made up circles of varying sizes. I like the owl but don't really know what the other two are, I'm getting an impression its from a old chinese proverb or something but have no idea really.

And on the subject of China, round the corner is a collection of Panda's.

And these next ones...


...are on either side of this.

There's a series of flowers on shutters on units off St George's walk.



Another new Dan Kitchener, he gets about!

This gets more detailed the further away you go from it, seems simple but I really like this.

And on my way home, passing down Voltaire Rd in Clapham I saw a new Aspire. He normally does birds but seems to have been trying other animals recently, and here's a turtle. I love the way the garden wall has been given a cutaway so its like a big fish tank.
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