Not really helpful use of language.
I was helpfully telling you all where GCN/Eurosport/D+/WB was heading for 4 years and got replies ranging from "I don't think it'll happen any time soon" (a fair difference of opinion, but wrong as it turns out) to downright rude ridicule, so excuse me not being helpful now! I'm going to say "told you so" and take the mick a bit. Fark all else left to do, really. You're probably beyond help now. Sorry.
Nothing changes for me this year, and next year I lose the best TdF coverage but I still have other ways to watch. I am disappointed about the damage it will do to cycle sport in this country, though. For at least a few years, there will be the Tours of Britain and the National Championships on ITV, if the ToBs survive without ITV advertising them heavily to the Tour de France audience, and the BBC's "anyone remember how to cover this sport?" coverage of the World Championships and maybe RideLondon if it continues...
What we "mugs" have done is purchased the only product available. The alternative is ... nothing, well apart from Chris Horner, Lanterne Rouge etc al on YouTube. (Or maybe for the technically adventurous polyglots among us rigging up some way of picking up German TV)
I suppose another alternative would be for us to have collectively boycotted Eurosport and not watched any cycling at all outside of the GTs (and had to suffer Millar) in the vague hope of influencing the market. Yeah, right, and maybe we could have joined hands and sung "we shall overcome" while we were at it.
Well, what are your choices now? Pay £370+/year to WB for a load of sports you don't want and hope they don't up the price again, agree to pay WB just over half that rate in the hope that they drop the undiscounted price after the TdF, or still end up boycotting and hope that 80% of your fellow subscribers also do, soon enough that WB give up their stranglehold. People willing to ignore that WB were cornering all the rights have left you with a far worse choice now than a few years ago.
The alternative was watching the free-to-air channels when they had coverage (they used to have more... ITV had most of the ASO race highlights and the Vuelta for a couple of years, NBC still put the Tour Down Under highlights this year on CNBC) and letting them know what you liked, filling in the gaps with online video highlights, youtube or otherwise. Instead some on here kept on about how wonderful the Get Cycling Nobbled road to hell was and everyone should buy in and there's no way they'll get all the race coverage rights and then jack up the price. That aged badly.