Strangulation by helmet

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automatic_jon said:
I've been seeing a lot on here recently about helmets and how incredibly important it is to wear them. I have one of these, it was the best fit I found but it still doesn't fit as securely as my motorbike helmet used to. The main problem is that while I'm puffing and panting my way up Portsdown hill (which is essentially cliffs) the helmet strap is doing it's best to kill me, a better job I feel than the traffic is doing. I can feel it seeming to get tighter, cutting off my air supply at a time when I find myself needing more of it rather than less!

If I loosen the strap the helmet is in danger of coming off as I move my head but it's unwearable as it is, what am I doing wrong. I've adjusted the sides as the instruction leaflet told me to but still the helmet seems to be made for people with jaws of a different configuration to my human mouth.
Either that or it's deliberately trying to kill me... I don't trust it.

JON - adjust the straps !
Thanks for the posts and advice guys, I hadn't checked the forum for a couple of days, I think the helmet stole my bookmark while I was at work.

Thanks yenrod, I'll try adjusting the straps further although I'm still sure I'm doing something wrong. As for buying a better helmet, perhaps in time but at the moment, if I could afford a new helmet, I could afford to get the bus when it's raining, (I'm a wimp, and I'm comfortable with that.)

As Snorri noted, I was inviting some teasing and discussion of the pros and cons of helmet wearing. Obviously I've been wearing this one on and off and on an off day I was hit by a car, the helmet didn't do any good sat on the table at home although on this occasion it would only have saved me half a dozen stitches and prevented me bleeding quite so profusely on my exam paper. (Which incidentally, I passed, although it somewhat spoilt the anonymity of the marking system.) But I digress, I decided that if I've got it, I should try wearing it properly, I gain nothing by wearing it badly. Then I can decide if I come down on the do or don't side of the fence.

I'm not sure about getting a haircut to fit the vents in the helmet, I have collar length tresses, as it is I look fairly comedic whether or not I wear a helmet to be honest.
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