Strange Road Signs

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It’s because they struggle to see over the steering wheel

While drinking, apparently.


Leg End Member


Prepare a way for the Lord
North Hampshire
Here’s an account of the incident in the Basingstoke Gazette


Legendary Member
Here’s an account of the incident in the Basingstoke Gazette

'Poppy Water' or Laudenum would act to suppress breathing so a 'mirror test would fail also her pulse would have been very faint.

I knew a guy called Paul who whilst not being a 'smackhead' was a 'Junkie' back in the 70's (too rich to be called a smackhead' and too long ago)
One day him and his girlfriend came across some exceptionally potent/uncut stuff and having taken it went to sleep cuddled up together.
36 hrs or so later Paul awoke to find his girlfriend had expired but because she was laying on his arm had cut off the circulation so although doctors saved his arm the nerves had died and it would never work so was removed.
BTW don't feel sorry for the guy, he was a nasty 'piece of work' in a fight he'd use the claw of his false arm as a weapon
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