Starting a business and life goals.

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So... I've got a new job, paid properly for my skills and experience, with benefits including a pension, and a permanent position providing I don't do anything silly by April 1st 2025.

It's also a 4 day week, and I'm getting paid the same as I am here for a 5 day week, which means one option is to try and start a business of my own. I'm currently working out how I might do this.

I don't have a lot of capital, but I have a number of skills, primarily in training people; I'm a state registered Occupational Therapist, which basically means I can train people with various problems.

It also means I have a trainer's certificate recognised by the Chamber of Commerce which is much more important in Germany than you might think; basically it means I can teach in colleges.

Before someone asks, opening a bike shop isn't an option, at least not yet. In order to get insurance I need to either have a "Master's Qualification" or have six years experience working in a bike shop, of which I think at least three need to be in a supervisory position. I'm about 3 1/2 years short of that right now. There are other ways around it but they're all a bit more involved that I'd like as yet.

The same applies to cabinet making which is my other qualification; ironically I have more experience fixing bikes anyway.

I'm also qualified to run an "integration company" where people with disabilities work in a "normal" job, but most of their salary is paid by the local government. A lot of people with disabilities want this, but there's a shortage of companies offering a place.

So... any thoughts on options? Teaching English may be one, which can be lucrative if I can persuade companies to take me on on a Monday.

Another thought is something Beautiful Wife and I have long considered, namely a cafe. The hurdles for starting a cafe is oddly lower than for a bike shop. It could also be combined with the "Inclusion" idea, so we could offer places for people with disabilities. Beautiful Wife is trained in Social Work, so she's also qualified. We both have some experience in management and ion catering although admittedly not combined.

Of course finance would then be a problem because we basically haven't got any. This would require a business plan. Where do you even start on this?

Of course the other dream would be that if we can make a good enough business plan, we may possibly be able to buy a house/cafe; I don't know if this is the case in the UK, but it seems that in lieu of a deposit, for a mortgage, a lender may consider a proposal which includes "Eigenleistung". If a less well maintained house is available, a skilled person like a carpenter could do say 50 000 € worth of rennovations. If we can combine this with a business plan, and (finally) a secure income, we may be taken seriously.

Any thoughts, suggestions on starting a business?


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
FWIW I'd advise looking for something labour-heavy with the least amount of necessary investment. With the way the wider economy is going I'd be extremely cautious about anything that requires premisis and financial commitment; such as the cafe (also, services getting hammered) or the bike shop (sure it's not escaped your attention that the industry's currently on its knees, while retail generally sucks).

Also consider that while you're not working the fifth day, such businesses obviously need to be open for greater periods than just your day off.

The English teaching sounds like the best idea - minimal outlay, good pay and if doing private tuition presumably an element of flexibility.

Sounds like an enviable position to be in :smile:
Had you considered a mobile bike repair/service . . . service?
You pedal to their bike, sort it, and collect the money. Two snags, no handy stand and the weather.

That would come up against the same problem: I can't independently run a bike maintenance service because I don't have the Master's qualification, or six years experience.

As my employer runs a bike repair service, I doubt they would be very happy if I start a competing service.
You make fabulous models, Andy.

Is there an ebay market for them?

It would require low capital investment, give you a day a week of quiet time and be flexible.

Funny you should say that: I'm working on a YouTube Channel with Elder Son wherein I make models, so see if this could become an income stream.
FWIW I'd advise looking for something labour-heavy with the least amount of necessary investment. With the way the wider economy is going I'd be extremely cautious about anything that requires premisis and financial commitment; such as the cafe (also, services getting hammered) or the bike shop (sure it's not escaped your attention that the industry's currently on its knees, while retail generally sucks).

Also consider that while you're not working the fifth day, such businesses obviously need to be open for greater periods than just your day off.

The English teaching sounds like the best idea - minimal outlay, good pay and if doing private tuition presumably an element of flexibility.

Sounds like an enviable position to be in :smile:

Lots of good thoughts there. In the Café scenario, it would give Beautiful Wife a job that she doesn't need to commute for, and I'd be helping 1 day a week. I see the point about services getting hammered, though.

I don't know if I can make this or not; I'm seeing a chance, however small, and decided to see what I can do.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
If you went for a cafe location is important which needs a bit of research looking at possible sites.
Model making: How about selling either to retailers or using what we term craft fairs or craft markets direct to an interested market.
A few local businesses here started this way and expanded as the owners wanted to make it a full time job unlike the hobby ones who were just after a bit of pin money without too much commitment.
Get a good accountant as they can be invaluable. Not all are good so again some research would be needed.
Here we had a Craft Guild for locals and for my sins I was the chairman. Wife and myself started our own business which was partly retail and partly wholesale so have some practical experience.


Legendary Member
I have been in business 48 years, helping many start ups along the way, I even sell a business start up tool kit along with training and ongoing support, is one of my businesses. My suggestion to you is work that extra day as overtime if you can and save some capital it will give you far more options, starting a cafe is certainly not cheap, a bike shop also. Now a cafe and bike shop combined can work I have one very close to where I live, but again a lot of money. A little while ago I would have said translation can earn a few bob, but AI has taken care of that little one. How are your sales and marketing skills, without them forget it, they are extremely important to get any business off of the ground and maintaining any sort of income from it.
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