Lots of good thoughts there. In the Café scenario, it would give Beautiful Wife a job that she doesn't need to commute for, and I'd be helping 1 day a week. I see the point about services getting hammered, though.
I don't know if I can make this or not; I'm seeing a chance, however small, and decided to see what I can do.
Cool - might be better to get settled into the new job then see how you feel...?
Also, don't believe what *people* tell you - I nearly bought a specialist retail business that I worked for, but my gut kept telling me it was a bad idea - as corroborated in my mind by personal daily experience and declining sales. Let's just say I'd be in a far worse position now had I done so; despite many people advising me to the contrary.
I think you want something that contrasts against the day job - I have a mate who works for the uni three days a week and does wedding photography on the side; seems to work nicely for him as one offers stability / security, the other good money and an amount of autonomy. Together they offer some diversity that should help smooth out issues he might encounter in each / the wider world.
Good luck whichever way you choose to go