Stage 17 - spoiler

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I don't think anyone would dismiss Evans' ability, he's obviously very, very good. It's his utter lack of flair, charm and style that appalls. He's inherited the Tour almost by default and without really having to fight for it. Instead he's just kept grinding along while his rivals fail to put the boot in with any real venom. He's the Gordon Brown of pro-cycling.


New Member
wasnt too exciting today, expected schleck to attack and leave evans chasing but it didnt resally happen, despite attempts.


back and brave
Chuffy said:
He's inherited the Tour almost by default and without really having to fight for it.

Not quite sure I'd agree there! He certainly wouldn't. They guy was absolutely shot after today! He may not be attacking but he is fighting.

I'm being a bit devil's advocate in that I know what people mean. He's not the most dynamic of characters, either on the bike or off of it, but he's playing by the rules. It's for others to beat him, can't blame him if they don't.

Personally, I would like to see a.n. other win the tour but people know what they have to do for that to happen. Let's see how exciting they are!
yello said:
Not quite sure I'd agree there! He certainly wouldn't. They guy was absolutely shot after today! He may not be attacking but he is fighting.
<backpedals frantically>
Ok, so he's making a bit of an effort. But he hasn't ever done anything bold or brave or dashing to try and claim the prize. If he attacked for the jersey, just once even, then I'd cut him more slack. But he never has. He just sits there, day after day, being a little bit more consistent than the rest.

....but apart from the aqueducts and the roads and the wine and the improved sanitation and the streets being safer, what have Cadel Evans the Romans ever done for us? :smile:
Keith Oates

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Sastre defending the yellow jersey could make his TT effort just that more intense and allow him to get the win over Evans. However it should be very tight so two days to wait, unless something really unexpected happens in between!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keith Oates

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
If Eveans does take yellow into Paris it will have been down to his own efforts, he was getting no help from anyone during the climb up L'Alpe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


what happened to the Eurosport coverage last night? did it ever get screened after the kids' soccer game? gave up and went to bed :becool:

Graham O

New Member
Chuffy said:
He's the Gordon Brown of pro-cycling.

My God, but you really know how to insult someone! :becool:


Well-Known Member
Fantastic riding by Sastre yesterday. Great tactics by CSC. Andy Schleck is an absolute star he'll be one for the furture.

I was gripped by yesterday's stage - best by far (Except when Cav was winning ha ha)

Someone said earlier that Andy Scheleck looked far too comfortable....what are you getting at???


New Member
Interesting reading Skip Madness. Looks like Evans has improved his TT where Sastre hasn't.

One thing is guaranteed - Saturday will be very exciting indeed and that's 50% down to Evans. Not an exciting rider? Pah!

I didn't think Sastre would get the 2mins + that he did. Great stuff. And who said yesterday wasn't exciting?! You're not watching the same race as I am!


Well-Known Member
Damn right TETE - yesterday was awsome.

My heart was actually pounding when those boys were climbing "the Alp"

In fact it gripped me so much that I am now planning a trip to Alpe d'huez to be a part of that - anyone know if it will be there in 2 years time? Cant do next year as i'm cycling London - Paris and arrive in paris the day before the Tour...woohoo!!!!!!


kennykool said:
Damn right TETE - yesterday was awsome.

My heart was actually pounding when those boys were climbing "the Alp"

I sat and watched all of that yeterday, it would have been a good climax but.....

Sastre crossed the line.
The clock got to about 7 seconds.
Camera panned to Sanchez (I think).
And then.......

My SkyBox informed me that there was a technical fault with this channel. Had to perform a "master reset" (switch off and on), By the time the box had "searched for channels" and come back on the clock was at 3'30" and the commentators were saying it was still close.

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