Two days of riding away, he could recover and put up a good show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OP OP Keith Oates Janner Location Penarth, Wales 23 Jul 2008 #16 Two days of riding away, he could recover and put up a good show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flying_Monkey Recyclist Location Odawa 23 Jul 2008 #17 It's all going to happen on the Alpe d'Huez it seems...
marinyork Resting in suspended Animation Location Logopolis 23 Jul 2008 #18 Well at least Pineau and Velits are giving it a go. Hoping they do give it a real go, it was somewhat disappointing yesterday.
Well at least Pineau and Velits are giving it a go. Hoping they do give it a real go, it was somewhat disappointing yesterday.
marinyork Resting in suspended Animation Location Logopolis 23 Jul 2008 #20 Yeah, glad Sastre and Menchov seem to have some energy left
yello back and brave Location France 23 Jul 2008 #22 Wa-hoo! Schleck gets a break on Evans... but Evans hauls himself back. Sastre going great guns out front.
Wa-hoo! Schleck gets a break on Evans... but Evans hauls himself back. Sastre going great guns out front.
Flying_Monkey Recyclist Location Odawa 23 Jul 2008 #23 Sastre is staying ahead though - can my prediction not be the kiss of death for once?
MrGrumpy Huge Member Location Fly Fifer 23 Jul 2008 #24 evans needs to move his arse if he can, LA woud of killed this by now in his day.
marinyork Resting in suspended Animation Location Logopolis 23 Jul 2008 #27 Geez the gap is still slowly going up. Keep it up!
marinyork Resting in suspended Animation Location Logopolis 23 Jul 2008 #28 Evans at the front for once
MrGrumpy Huge Member Location Fly Fifer 23 Jul 2008 #30 looks like its squeeky bum time for Evans, don`t think he has the legs now.