Sram Rival 11 speed

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The right shifter shifts into the top cog then clicks out. LBS reckon the index has broke on the shifter, new shifter! Anyone any experience of this or any ideas other than a new shifter?


Mancunian in self imposed exile in leafy Cheshire
Yes I have had to replace SRAM shifters twice once on warranty. The barrell cog breaks teeth righting off the shifter.

Good news Planet X have really cheap SRAM 11 speed shifters. £39 iirc.


Yeah thats what the LBS said, every other gear is grand. Unfortunately the brakes are hydraulic, the cheapest I can find is 160 quid!!


Legendary Member
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Northern Germany
Whilst SRAM is a lot more agriculture in it's engineering than Shimano, it means an amatuer mechanic can actually work on them. The ratchets inside the shifter are fairly straightforward to remove and clean and SRAM actually recommends you do that on a regular basis.

Is the bike with you or the bike shop? maybe have a go at removing the ratchet and giving it a clean and inspection. See what state state it's in and if there is indeed noticeable wear. There's some really good tech docs on SRAMs website as well detailing all of the innards of these things.

Frustratingly, despite the aforementioned simplicity of maintenance/inspection, SRAM are notoriously bad at providing simple spare parts so you can fix things, hey why help the planet out when you can simply flog more stuff!

Whilst SRAM don't sell parts, Ratio Technology manufacturer some parts, however, they don't currently offer a 11 speed ratchet, instead they sell a 12 speed ratchet to upgrade your existing shifter. Might be worth dropping an email though to see if they do have ideas for replacing a 11 speed ratchet.


thanks for that video link, i’ll give that a go at the weekend! i’d try anything other than for out 160 quid on a new one!


Legendary Member
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Northern Germany
Just be aware the screws on the side of the shifter unit can be a little soft, just make sure you use a good #1 Philips like the video suggests and you should be fine.


followed the instructions on the video, couldn’t see any damage to the ratchet, cleaned and re greased. no luck, i think a spring or something has gone, it clicks up and immediately clicks down again!


Legendary Member
Photo Winner
Northern Germany
That's annoying.

How confident do you feel with mechanics? if you can find an M2.5 screw, then you could have a go with actually disassembling the unit and seeing if anything inside is amiss. At this stage if it's between that and buying a new shifter I'd probably give it a go.

The video below is from ratio technology who provide 12 speed upgrade kits for these shifters, something I'm probably going to do later this year. From 2.35 ish, they detail the removal of the ratchet/lever assembly, it doesn't look to hard, like I said, you just need an. M 2.5 screw to remove the axle.

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