Thanks for the phone number, Cubist, that's really very kind of you.
Thing is - I got a bit frustrated there! I ended up just putting the chain in a bag to bin later (rather - to take the council tip!). Also, I think I've probably damaged the chain to such a point that I'm asking for trouble - if anything happens to my chain in Norway, I could be a very long way from help.
Anyway, as to what happened - to be honest I'm not sure exactly. I'll try and explain a bit better now I'm calm and I'll post photos later on if you think it'll help.
I started off by unclipping the Powerlink to split the chain. I took off the Powerlink and removed the broken link. Then I thought to myself 'Ah, if I try putting the Powerlink that will replace this broken link I'll have to break a link somewhere else on the chain and risk cocking that up too.' You see: I forecast the trouble ahead!
However, I couldn't work out how to put two Powerlinks together to form a chain - they just didn't seem to be made to go together. This left me with no choice but to break the chain somewhere else. So I took a deep breath, and carefully took out a rivet from the other end of the chain. But I hadn't unscrewed the other end of the chain breaker (I think that was my error) and so instead of pushing out the rivet, it squeezed the chain to the point where I just decided that I couldn't risk using it anymore.
Thanks once again guys! I really appreciate the trouble you've all gone to help me with my little problem.