Squeamish about Charity Stuff

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Legendary Member
I don't feel the need to justify my rides by collecting for charity. I've also seen the lifestyles enjoyed in Africa by some (not all) charity and NGO workers and I don't want them having my hard-earned cash to fund the next hotel room or cold beer. I also suspect that there's an informal symbiotic relationship between African governments and NGOs: Government ministers and officials continue to rape and loot their countries in the sure knowledge that the NGOs will come in and do the charity work they are neglecting and charity has become a big business with plenty of "sweeteners" being paid to African governments to allow the NGOs to enjoy their nice un-audited lifestyle in the tropics.


Legendary Member
You've spent the last 30 years travelling around Africa, then?


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Please remember - not all charities are the same and not all charity events are the same!
Oh yes, I know that. I hope that you put a big label on your events highlighting that all the sponsorship goes to the charity and the costs are covered by the fees - then if any people who can't afford the fees fundraise to cover that too, it's clear. I think most of us get upset by the attempt to hide the likes of the £800 you mention.


Legendary Member
I limit my charity begging to one event a year.
Everyone I know will get the message and I tell them this is this years event and I won't hit them again for another year. Some people donate every time, some do sometimes and most do never.
I mostly do these events for fun, if it's not fun then I would not do it.

Having said which, I do several charity events in the year, I just don't pass around the begging bowl more than once, so on those charity rides for example I pay my fees and maybe a few quid more and that is it.


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 3635366, member: 9609"]I know a woman who at the time of 'band aid / live aid' was spending her time working with Polo teams in Africa - when ever the would go into local towns to source grain for the horses, they would always be sold it in UN stamped bags.[/QUOTE]

Charity-giving would collapse if people knew how much their generosity was being abused.We are deeply naive and trusting, which is what makes us such easy targets for fraud.
Yeah I'd like to ask you guys to donate as I'm hoping to shag Cheryl Cole for charity.

Looks like you got the same leaflet thru the post as me. I called up the number provided to register my interest. They clarified that there is an error. It should read as Ashley Cole. I told them that I just remembered that I had to visit my Gran in Cardiff.


I've done a couple of charity rides a few years back however I wouldn't bother now unless I was really pushing myself. Junior Fu used to work for a company PAID by charities to phone and persuade people to set-up/increase direct debits to charity - it was soul-destroying work for a teenager and they were constantly under threat of the sack if they didn't bring in the cash. thankfully she no longer works there.

I did get a bit annoyed with a "friend" on FB who did a charity trek to Machu Pichu (or whatever you call it) in South America and expected everyone to fund his trip - glad to see it's not just me that doesn't sit comfortably with.
I don't feel the need to justify my rides by collecting for charity. I've also seen the lifestyles enjoyed in Africa by some (not all) charity and NGO workers and I don't want them having my hard-earned cash to fund the next hotel room or cold beer. I also suspect that there's an informal symbiotic relationship between African governments and NGOs: Government ministers and officials continue to rape and loot their countries in the sure knowledge that the NGOs will come in and do the charity work they are neglecting and charity has become a big business with plenty of "sweeteners" being paid to African governments to allow the NGOs to enjoy their nice un-audited lifestyle in the tropics.

Thats resonates with me. Tend to head to that part of the World. The big charities always have new 4 wheel drives. And its always new and always 4 wheel drive. This is the just the tip. When you ask the locals and even some expats, there are some interesting stories. Even more intersting is that expats attached to these charities avoid other expats and journalist. They are given strict instructions not to talk to foreigners.


Coventry, uk
At work they are forever doing something for charity, I do give but it is weekly here, can be a bit much.
I have been asked to sponsor people to do the "once in a lifetime" sponsored event and refuse to, I see it as a paid holiday for them.


Cracking a solo.
I'm not subsidising someone's enjoyment. The worst was a guy at work who was raising money so he could do a boat trip up the Amazon 'for charity'. Sounds like angling for a free holiday to me.
Ditto, a few years ago I saw a chap outside Tescos collecting for a "charity" trip to Machu Picchu, something which is and will likely remain a dream of mine.
I'd far rather sponsor people to do a help the elderly/infirm with their shopping or gardening for a month or something similar, don't seem to get too many of those though. When I read these kind of threads I feel a sense of shame as I am reminded of my childhood when I would go and knock on the doors of neighbours and ask them to give me money for a sponsored silence or some other such bollocks.

Edit: It would appear from @Fubar that the Maccu Picchu "charity" rumbles on, maybe I could get there after all, anybody want to sponsor me?
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Turbo Rider

Just can't reMember
Gorshk...I'd rather sponsor a charity I care about than care about the devices used to gain their funding...within legal remit, of course. Seems a bit pig headed to me, for people to say no to a charity they believe in, on the basis that someone enjoys themslves, so heck...if @0-markymark-0 can get Cheryl Coles agreement and the charity is the right one...and I can find some pennies to rub together...you can have em mate :okay:
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