PaulB said:
What a disappointment I can't do either of these events today! ...Boo hoo!
Bad luck Paul. Hopefully you will back to full fitness in time for the sister event in October - Season of Mists.
aJohnson said:
Hope you lot enjoy the day out, seems like decent weather. Planned on going out but had a sleep in so think I'll hit the turbo whilst watching Amstel Gold.
It was not as warm as on Saturday but I preferred it because I would have baked otherwise. Could have done without the chilly breeze though. We spotted some patches of snow on distant hills in the Dales!
I enjoyed watching Amstel Gold last night - that's one seriously hard and mad race! Relentless little hills, riders going crazy hopping onto pavements and swerving round posts, parked vehicles on the racing line just round tight bends...
Svendo said:
Just got back home, Did the main ride in 5'10 including stops, about 4'45 ride time.
Good effort. I think my best ever was just over 6 hours with about 30 minutes of stops.
Svendo said:
... sorry I was antisocial but I wanted to press on this year and see how fast I could do it.
It was nice to see you, Arch and several other people I know at the start but I knew that I'd be riding in a fairly small group and just aiming to get round comfortably inside the time limit.
goodspeed said:
Did mine in in 6.10 with newcommer Turbo, who was convinced he was slowing me down, but i could'nt of gone much faster to be honest; 3 training rides last week (bad idea) left me with very little juice in the legs.
Also a good effort! Are you doing the Red Rose Ride again this year? I hope to and will aim to do it at least 2 hours quicker. Not having my back brake rubbing for 125 miles would probably help with that!
Arch said:
Oh gosh, yes, I was very pleased with myself - I wasn't last!

And there were some stunning views.
Anyway, the training has started. I've got 3 years to get up to speed.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I particularly like Newsholme Dean.
I rode round there with
goodspeed last year and was amazed that we could be so close to Keighley and yet still feel like we were in the middle of nowhere.
zacklaws said:
Another good day out, and good company, my heads still rocking with the motion of being on my bike.
I seem to have had a bit too much bad luck today, especially falling off again. One day I'll get it right.
It was nice to ride with you again.
Zack's chain jammed on an 18% climb and he couldn't unclip in time and fell heavily to his right. I think he was really lucky not to have hurt himself! He didn't even seem to have the usual cuts and bruises from such a fall.
There was a steep hillside just to the side of the lane and he could have easily gone tumbling down that still attached to his bike.
zacklaws said:
[Hulver] Don't be despondent by what you did, to attempt that on a fixed with 61" is something to hold your head up too...
I'd second that! We went past hulver just as he dismounted on the steep bit of Penistone Hill near Oxenhope. I thought then what a hard ride he was taking on on his Langster. I'd never have even got as far as Keighley.
Rammylad said:
A fantastic route which is (only) slightly let down by a hefty chunk of urban cycling. Really enjoyed my first Audax and already thumbing through the events list for more. Thanks for the good company guys.
I mentioned the Keighley section on last year's thread but to be honest, it isn't really a practical proposition to miss it out. There are alternatives but they are very tough and wouldn't go down well with the majority of riders.
It's 90% a gorgeous route so I can put up with the urban 10%!
Uncle Phil said:
I had a good day out. I'm sorry not to have ridden with Colin and the rest of you, but there you go. I don't know how we missed each other.
I assumed that you'd decided to go on by yourself!
I'd got chatting to some people I knew at the front of the crowd of cyclists before the start and then remembered that I'd said that I'd be standing at the back of the group. The trouble is, I couldn't get through the crowd so I had to wait for most of them to surge past me.
I'm glad that you had a nice day out despite missing us.
Uncle Phil said:
Towards the end, climbing that steady hill out of Keighley, I was caught up behind a bunch of club riders. They were going just a little bit slower than I wanted to, but there was so much passing traffic it was hard to pass. When a gap in the traffic finally came, it wasn't very big, so I had to blast past quickly. Then, when I'd done that, I couldn't very well slow down again, so I kept going. Their sarcastic comments only made me more determined that they wouldn't catch me.
There are some funny people in the world aren't there! What's that all about?
Well, it was nice to ride round at a steady pace with zacklaws, Rammylad and Alun. Zack and Rammy were definitely stronger than me and Alun so they tended to pull ahead on the climbs and Alun and I would ride up to them at our own pace.
Alun has definitely improved since last year. We did almost exactly the same time as last year (a smidge over 8 hours including some long cafe stops and photo-opportunities) but this time Alun didn't walk up any of the climbs.
I'm heavier and less fit than I was for last year's SITD and felt it! I had made the mistake on Friday of picking up my tumble dryer and carrying it from one room to another and I sprained my back so I had backache before even starting yesterday. I dropped my bike off at home before walking round to the finish. I struggled on the stairs to the top floor of Salem Mill!
I think that a message is slowly sinking in... doing these tough hilly rides at my current level of fitness is taking too much out of me. I need to get fitter so I can either push myself to do a good time, or relax and not suffer.
Spooky Tree, Spooky Cyclists
They Don't Make Club Houses Like That Any More!