I'm not that old I'm only 46!, yeah it would be quicker to see a private physio but you have to pay and I'm on a budget. I'll see next week what the waiting list is when I ring the Drs.
NHS physio has the simple aim of getting you back to normal life, anything out of the norm such as active sports is necessarily low on their priority list.
Plus, as
@vickster says, the private physio has all the toys that the NHS does not for every day use. I'm using Compex electro-muscle stimulation, I will be using a Biodex balance system and in due course when I am cleared to begin running will start in a specialist aqua physio pool. Plus off course hands on soft tissue work as needed. All I ever got from our local, excellent HNS physio was sets of exercise sheet to do a t home.
When I had a smidsy a few years ago, I went to the nhs physio for a few months and my back did not improve. When I gave up on them and went to a sports physio a 30 minute session of deep tissue massage to mobilise damage products and ease muscle capsule adhesions has an almost miraculous instant effect..
Waiting time for the appointment is not the issue.