Hey everyone,
I am part of a new company (alarm bells) which is bringing to market (more alarm bells) a revolutionary (more bells) new (ring ring) product (bells again)... A spokeless bike! (Oh lordy)
In order to do this the gear will be connected to the bikes rear wheel rim and will run through a series of teeth which turn the wheel. This gear will be positioned at the rear wheels 8 O'clock (If you are looking at the CycleChat logo) and will cause the bike to go faster than if it was positioned normally. The suspension is not affected by the removal of the spokes and this design is less likely to have a tyre bend than a traditional design as the impact is more evenly distributed around the wheel. The bike will be lighter than a traditional bike will have improved steering and will have improved braking in comparison to a traditional bike. There will be an easy release system on the mechanism in case of damage.
Our design can be used on more than just bikes it can also be used on cars, scooters, segways... pretty much anything with a wheel!
We are very excited about this product but we would like to hear some feedback from you all, both positive and negative, if you have any questions about it please comment below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.