interesting Craigwend, unfortunately Robin Mather has stopped taking orders for the time being. Could you describe how you find the difference between steel and ti? I have everyday bikes, commuting etc, I'm looking at a bike for fun only. I've read several of the offerings, here and elsewhere, from Paul Smith, very informative. What I expect from the bike?:-
could take a rack, I like rackpacks, and guards, though guards not so vital, if need be, will probably be run on 25 or 28mm tyres
will be used for day rides up to 250 miles max(more likely not to go beyond 150 miles), possibly v.light credit car short tour
comfort wins over speed but still want to be able to put the hammer down when need be
carbon puts me off due to lack of robustness to accidental damage
If the frame costs £1k or £3k isn't going to stop me or influence me in my decision, just take fancier footwork around the household budget

What i fancy will be open to influence by the builder I select, ie if he feels a certain material is best suited to me I'll be led by that. I expect the fit, and service, to be spot on and am prepared to pay for that.
I've been to about 30 frame builders websites, am waiting on feedback from 5 of them. Several have stopped taking orders or appear to be no longer trading. I've scoured Sheldons site, Rivendell, numerous US buidler sites and forums.
The problem remains that, for every positive, there are negatives and I don't know enough to sort the wheat from the chaff. This relates to frame materials, construction methods and ride quality. Hey ho, I'm sure plenty of others have been down this route.
Sorry that sounds quie negative, I do appreciate the help so far and it is making things easier for me.