Crackle thanks for the info, will have a play with the spreadsheet again tonight.
Andy I have thought about increasing the distance, and with all these hills I can take the long way home which gives me an extra .3 of a mile which is nearly all flat, but going that way will also give me another hill. I did it twice this week in the evening but sticking to short route in the morning.
I was forced to go much further today as I had to get all my meds from the pharmacy and they wont deliver, so although it was not much further, it is down to the village, and UP UP UP home again.
So I will forget about increasing the gears and just keep doing this then. I will also start having short bursts on the in-house recumbant.
With regards to foot position, I should have asked months ago really, in the ponys stirrups I use toes and ball only so as not to get stuck with heel down stretching my calves. I assumed from watching the little girl that comes with me on her bike that I should use the middle/arch of my foot. Today in fact I did heels down to stretch them and realised that they would be shortening if I use toes and balls and didnt know which was best.
I am glad someone put me right on this, may find it easier now. Going to put the seat more forwards again, the last 2 days have been worse with it back. If I stay in the present set of gears for winter when it gets colder and my muscles and joints may hurt more, then in summer I can give increasing gears again. Better to be safe than sorry I suppose.
Once again, thanks all.