Very pleased for you,excellent
.I always feel that A&E is where the tough stuff is done,and with one or two exceptions, Carlisle staff are seemingly blessed with a liking for people,certainly a sense of humour.One young,female doctor I met, whilst supremely professional,had the air of an imp,a rascal.Im on the side of rascals!
Yes - very good news!
When I was admitted to the A&E ward in Halifax after clotting the first time, a doctor looked at my chart the next day and saw that my Warfarin treatment had not been started. He shouted across the ward - "
Nurse, why hasn't Colin been given his rat poison yet!" I thought it was funny, but I can imagine that alarming some patients ...
When I clotted for the second time, I ended up at Northampton General A&E (I was visiting my sister at the time). They did a blood test to test for clotting and I waited with my sister for the results ...
Some time later, a doctor returned clutching some paperwork. He looked me up and down, leaned forwards and said "
Tell me Colin, is there any chance whatsoever that you might be pregnant?"
My sister looked stunned - a real jaw-dropping
WTF! moment. I looked at her, and said ... "
Oh damn - I know what that means!"
I told her that pregnancy can mess up the results of the D-dimer blood test and that my results clearly were not normal! The doctor laughed, then composed himself and told me that the numbers were extremely high and they needed to admit me for further tests. Again - I thought it was funny, but that was only because I already knew that I was going to be get a positive result. (I was struggling for breath, which told me that the clots had come back.)
I would rather be treated by staff that were trying to lighten the mood where possible, than by somebody looking incredibly sombre and scaring me half to death!