Some advice on my bulge please

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Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
After my ride yesterday I noticed a large bulge, in my tyre.

The bike still rides but obviously something is amiss.

The max psi on tyre wall is 130psi. I inflate to 120psi

So, what causes this? Also is the tyre likely to be permanently damaged? I'm guessing yes so have ordered new set, but just wonderd why a tyre designed to take 130psi fails at 120 psi. I didnt hit any big bumps or anything on the ride. I've never had anything like this happen before on any bike/tyre. These are Mavic aksium 700cx25's


Oxford, UK
May I request pictures of your bulge?

If the fabric/threads in the tyre casing are damaged - either from a pothole, etc. or just due to a manufacturing defect - that can manifest itself as a bulge. I think you are right to assume it's knackered and needs replacing.
something similar happened to my OH's tyre when we were on tour in Norway (26x2.0 Schwalbe tyre). It exploded the next day - thankfully he was not going fast at the time. The sound however was stunning with it echo-ing off the fjord walls for ages and ages... :eek:...

can I suggest you let the air out and don't use it please. Better safe than sorry...
I had the same happen with an M+. Anywhere near the top pressure, it had a pronounced bulge to one side over about a 6" span of the circumference as the wheel rotated. Hadn't had the tyre long - a few months, and a few hundred miles at most. When I removed it and looked inside, the various layers of the tyre seemed to have come apart.

I emailed Schwalbe about it (had bought several of the same tyre from different places around that time, so I couldn't be sure which retailer had sold it me). Didn't hear back from them.

As a side effect, It has put me off buying tyres over the internet somewhat. I prefer to inspect them before purchase if possible nowadays. I'm not sure even then whether a defect of this kind would show up before the tyre was used, but it makes me feel better to at least have chosen the best looking tyre from the bunch!

young Ed

if the tyre has a wire bead it could be this has broken in the place of bulge. just deflate tyre remove and check, this is of course only if it has a wire bead
Cheers Ed


One of the 64K
I had a bulging in a Schwalbe Lugano that came on the Synapse as original fitment. The bulge was on the main tread rather than the sidewall. When I took it off the threading under the tread had come apart (a bit like the fibres when you do pulled pork). My LBS exchanged it as a warranty thing.

I also had a Schwalbe Durano Plus arrived labelled as a 28C but actually being a 23C (took a bit of working out what was wrong although the 23C not having the reflective strip made it obviously different) this was from CRC, I called them and sent them a couple of photographs to prove it. They sent a 28C and told me to keep the 23C in case it ever became useful. So I'm happy to do internet order tyres but do kind of hope they fail nice and early if they are going to.


After my ride yesterday I noticed a large bulge, in my tyre.

The bike still rides but obviously something is amiss.

The max psi on tyre wall is 130psi. I inflate to 120psi

So, what causes this? Also is the tyre likely to be permanently damaged? I'm guessing yes so have ordered new set, but just wonderd why a tyre designed to take 130psi fails at 120 psi. I didnt hit any big bumps or anything on the ride. I've never had anything like this happen before on any bike/tyre. These are Mavic aksium 700cx25's

Had 2 Aksion tyres last about 3000 miles so bought another 4 and 3 developed bulges in first few weeks of use , got refunded for two but only after taking out an ebay dispute against the bike shop seller , wont be buying any more .


Legendary Member
True story: I once got taken out by a GF in her car. We set off down the road and straight away I heard a bump bump bump from a wheel. Told her to stop and jumped out to investigate - lo and behold one of the tyres had a massive bulge the size of an ostrich egg and was ringing fit to burst. "Blimey! What pressure is in this tyre?" sez I. "I dunno," she replies, "I just top them up every week." !!!!

John the Canuck

..a long way from somewhere called Home..
True story: I once got taken out by a GF in her car. ......................... "I dunno," she replies, "I just top them up every week." !!!!

:laugh:...also true...when i were a wee lad - dated a girl with a mini [ not a beauty but i didn't have a car..:rolleyes:

starter wouldn't mesh one day - flat battery sez I, where is it .?
she not a clue - found under pass seat - bone dry
i'll add water .............NO WAY DID SHE BELIEVE YOU DID THIS..!!.....:rolleyes:

John the Canuck

..a long way from somewhere called Home..
Had 2 Aksion tyres last about 3000 miles so bought another 4 and 3 developed bulges in first few weeks of use , got refunded for two but only after taking out an ebay dispute against the bike shop seller , wont be buying any more .

DAMN - JUST BOUGHT 2 700x25c....Interestingly [or not] they don't measure 25c
that's a Schwalbe Lugano next to it - visually wider at 25.70mm

pic in email to CRC - their reply
''....Unfortunately as you fitted the tyre to the bike there is a slim chance that we can exchange or refund you for this but if you wish to fill in a returns form and send them back to try, by all means go ahead...The returns team will have a look at the items for any sign of wear and will judge what way to act....''

so - a 'slim chance''...........yeah, right.!
how i can determine a fault WITHOUT mounting them - who knows..?
wont bother with tyres from them again
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