So when one is being ignored, what if?

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Legendary Member
I only ignore those below my social standing. Some don't even wear ties ffs.:ohmy:


Kilometre nibbler
Ignoring threads and forums is a great feature of this board, IMO. I use it a lot. It means that the "new posts" feature isn't full of stuff that you're not particularly interested in, or to be more positive about it, it is full of the stuff that you are interested in.

But to answer the OP's question, it will depend entirely on the forum software in use. Try temporarily ignoring someone, and see what you can see of their stuff.


Cycling in the sun
I've put myself on I'm not sure whether this post will ever see the light of day.
Probably for the best .... that way you will be spared from seeing just how terrible your posts are (especially your photos!!!):whistle:


Rollin' along
Manchester way
[QUOTE 3427331, member: 9609"]It would be nice if the ignore function was a two way thing; both parties disappear off each others radar. There is 2 or 3 people who do spoil this site for me <snipped>[/QUOTE]

Quite agree, we're a broad church but theres one of the congregation who goes beyond my happy place limits and a couple of forum areas I don't want to get drawn into via the new posts tab.

What you'd need is a hide me button which seems a bit unfair TBH,You may choose to ignore someone but its up to them if they wish to ignore you surely. Luckily my ignoree will never see a word I type as they're one of the odd little gang that have joined a cycling site to never talk about cycling.


I've never really felt the need to ignore anyone.

If you're reading a thread with blanks in it then isn't it possible that some of the replys you do see could be taken out of context?
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