So when one is being ignored, what if?

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The Jogger

Legendary Member
I've never ignored anyone. Am I missing out on some fun?
Me neither.......


Legendary Member
Someone the other day who is on my ignore list, liked one of my posts, which was odd.

I've also ignored whole threads, all the football, rugby and cricket ones. Bloody FAB, that I don't have to see all that Beaue Larques.


I only have one person on my ignore list. Others tell me what he posts and laugh at him, but I think he is quite creepy and objectionable, so I decided it's best not to look at the rubbish he posts.


Legendary Member
I have just checked there are 9 on my list, there were 10, the ones I ignore tend to be of the loony left persuasion, self righteous GoPro YT posters and a couple of self gratification artists
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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Wonder if anyone's ignoring me, can you tell if someone sets it up? ...just curious mind!
Not got an ignore list, though I did get wound up by someone enough to try, but gave up!
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