So that is how bonking feels...

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Well-Known Member
Charlton, London
Saddle bum said:
For over 60 years. It died out a bit in the late 70s when the expression "hitting the wall" became popular.

The musette was always known as a "bonk bag".

My Dad always calls it "the knock" - he's a 60s cyclist - and a guy at work refers to it as "bongoing". He told me once he "bongoed" on Toy's Hill on the North Downs. Took me hours to work it out...

.....erm, I'm talking about the running out of energy sensation, by the way :biggrin:.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
It's a truly horrid sensation.
I now have a sort of mental map of all the places round here where I can get food in extremis. This came in handy cycling back after yesterdays ride...:biggrin:
Note to self - eat more bread pudding next time.


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.
it's the worst, total wipe out and you still have no choice but to keep riding...I dont get bonked out these days but that is only because I pre hydrate before rides and keep them to a manageble distance each day. On longer outings I carry water and food..usually in the form of haribo sweets


Southern Scotland Upands last year was the scene of my last bonk. I got into a fast group, loving the pace, pushing on well and then bang. Coming along the flattish into Moffat, I just found my legs getting heavy and then it got really hard. I had to stop in Moffat for a break, some food and some drink. The final climb to the finish was sheer hell

My first really big bonk, was running an extreme run of 100 km in Hong Kong. I got to around 40 miles and then collapsed. I hit the deck on a sandy path which was wide and with the heat of over 30C and high humidity it just felt like an oven. I crawled off the path into the jungle vegetation at the side and found a small stream and lay in it till I recovered. A friend of mine died doing the same run a few weeks later. I never got my map back from him.


Re member eR
gavintc said:
Southern Scotland Upands last year was the scene of my last bonk. I got into a fast group, loving the pace, pushing on well and then bang. Coming along the flattish into Moffat, I just found my legs getting heavy and then it got really hard. I had to stop in Moffat for a break, some food and some drink. The final climb to the finish was sheer hell

My first really big bonk, was running an extreme run of 100 km in Hong Kong. I got to around 40 miles and then collapsed. I hit the deck on a sandy path which was wide and with the heat of over 30C and high humidity it just felt like an oven. I crawled off the path into the jungle vegetation at the side and found a small stream and lay in it till I recovered. A friend of mine died doing the same run a few weeks later. I never got my map back from him.

It's a bugger when someone dies and that happens.

tsk tsk what's the world coming too?


Home Counties
TheDoctor said:
It's a truly horrid sensation.

Welcome to my world.

Imagine your worst bonk ever. Imagine it twice as bad. That's what a diabetic hypo feels like.

Now if I have a hypo whilst I'm out cycling...

Forget the jelly babies, I always have a couple of packs of Dextrosol and a large Soreen in my pockets when I'm on the bike, just in case


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
derall said:
Forget the jelly babies, I always have a couple of packs of Dextrosol and a large Soreen in my pockets when I'm on the bike, just in case

I might start doing that myself:tongue:. But that's just greed on my part.:thumbsup:

just jim

I had an encounter with "the wall" on the way to Inchnadamph, just on the brow of the pass on the A894. Horrible, with nasty weather closing in and not enough layers on. I crawled (almost literally) to the hostel at Inchnadamph. One welcome discovery was the damn fine curry to be had at the Inchnadamph hotel.


Not sure if it was the bonk or what, but when out touring when I was 15 my derailleur broke and I then went five hours without eating trying to get up and down hills with a fully loaded bike in 3rd gear (only had eight of them then). My mates said I turned into this Jekyll/Hyde character. They wouldn't stop to compensate for my increasing slowness so I told them all to f&ck off and die, got off the bike and sat at the side of the road. ;) Felt much better when I had eaten something.
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