Try the Zebra e-lite cigarette (google it). acts like a real cigarette but only delivers the nicotine. i just bought the starter pack for my mum. she loves it coz the one thing she can't deal with is not having something in her hands, so in that respect its better than patches or gum coz it delivers the nicotine, without all the other poisonous stuff, and she has something to puff on when she's angry with us

(she has a lot of kids, she's always angry LOL) (not really, we're very good! just with a big family comes more day to day crap!).
you get the rechargeable battery (which is the fag) and a cartridge screws on (which is the nub)
one cartridge lasts 250 puffs, so the equivalent of 16 fags (average 15 puffs per fag) , but because you can just take a puff when you feel like it, those "16 fags" actually last more like 80 fags because you have have 4 puffs and feel fine. the battery part has to be replaced after 250 full recharges. one charge will last for 1 cartridge (250 puffs). we worked it out that you get about 4,000 fags before you need to replace the whole battery. it works out at a cost of around £1 for the equivalent of a pack of 20 cigarettes. so saving around £5 - £6??? no bad. and no cancer either. bargain.
and you don't lose your smoking mates coz you can still smoke with them, and you can "smoke" at your desk and in public places because what you inhale and exhale is technically steam. i told my mum not to expect it to be like a fag so she didn't get her expectations high. I think it actually exceeded her expectations, she said it felt the same except easier to breath it out.