I was in Home Bargains today and spotted 4 of these for a quid - worth a punt I thought. The contents are pretty dire tbh
Works well on the move although I timed my sup on a uphill section so i didn't lose control. Don't think the bottle can handle repeated squeezing and the water doesn't flow all that freely - at just over 1/2 the capacity of these, i don't think the gel flasks are going to be big enough. The search continues!
Plastic is nice and squishy and the cap has dial which you can roll with a gloved thumb to make the mouthpiece extend and retract so you don't have to bite away at plastic. BPA free for £2.50 (330ml). Three quid will net you a 700ml with an even better designed twist cap - not sure it would be suitable for a cage though if anyone else is interested.
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