Did you actually read any of my posts before writing this bizarre rant?
Lets visit reality?
Jeez man....you really do need a reality check. You have been banging on for years about the virtues of the Thudguard and why aren't people wearing them.....
Simply wrong..... I have always clearly stated that they are for children - and asked why people are not making their childen wear them
.....you haven't even bothered to check out their website to establish that or who these devices are designed to fit. If you had done this, you would have acknowledged immediately an adult attempting to wear one on their head is a physical impossibility and dismissed my tongue in cheek comment as just that....you aren't stupid ( i can't believe I just said that after the last couple of posts), but I am questioning why you have such aversion to common sense.....ah, your opinion on cycle helmets and also your ridiculous idea of horse nappies should have given me fair warning.
That part does not even enter the same Galaxy as Planet Earth, never mind approaching reality!.... the only reference to adults wearing them was this one
When moving the motorcycle 20ft at walking pace around a car park, I always make sure I use a thudguard when the lid isn't on.
I answered this:
Nice attempt to avoid the question, but it still works for me.
Now I know that you will waste everyone's time by avoiding again, but lets at least try to get a simple answer from you.
Why do you feel a Thudguard is adequate in this case when you could have the additional protection of a proper motorcycle helmet?
The suggestion that adults were able to wear them was entirely an attempt on your part to avoid answering a simple question (one you are still avoiding several pages later) , the fact that you are new throwing a petulant tantrum because I decided to recognise that you were not serious, but follow your lead with an equally obvious "tongue in cheek" reply, is really your problem.
For the record, unless you are referring to a child under the age of 2, the merits of a Thudguard are irrelevant, so give it up!
You really don't read the posts do you?
Lets try and explain it once again, I will keep it as simple as possible.
The Thudguard is a useful tool in these debates because it mirrors the pro-helmet arguments exactly, yet when raised there is a simple realisation of this and as in your case the hypocritical decision to declare the matter irrelevant as discussing shows the flaws in your argument.
A prime example was this post of yours on the helmet debate:
Well the numbers are clearly low as represented in the Killed stats (13), but low risk doesn't mean no risk....and little comfort could be drawn from the numbers published if your nearest and dearest are among them.
Do we have any numbers on the voluntary percentage of uptake for regular lid wear among children ?
I then replied:
Exactly my point from the start.... Which is why the need for the Thudguard is so evident, as so succinctly put by David Jenkins from RoSPA ...
The Thudguard should make a valuable contribution to risk reduction in a similar way to cycle helmets...
What comfort can possibly be drawn by the parents of a child killed or injured in a fall where the injury could have been lessened by a Thudguard
Yet you singularly failed to answer this... It does however demonstrate clearly why you ar uncomfortable including the Thudguard in the debate as it raises too many questions you would rather avoid