Better to be content with what you have without needing to brag or covert.
2nd bit is true but not the first.
The world we live in isn't build on being satisfied or happy with the status quo. I know some people are comfortable with the thought human civilisation would be in a better place is we had stayed living in caves and trees, but I'm not one of them.
There are no end of proverbs/quotes from our civilisations most recognised pioneers, Edison, Einstein etc all essentially urging us to be inquestive, explore, and not be defeated by failure.
Some have literally given their lives to challenge existing ignorance
"But the Earth does move!" Is on Galleos tomb.
The biggest mistake I think is to link finances with 'success', we should be judged based on our actions and achievements versus money. The two are linked, but the correlation isn't 100%, not even close. We should teach our children to dream big not for money but for ideology, but inevitably the dream becomes inseparable from money

The fact there is a 'money matters' section on this forum shows our obsession with something that in reality has no purpose in advancing our society. Why don't we have a section on 'success matters'?